Unfortunately, RobotC does not support C++, only C. However, it mixes in some C++ ideas that my IDE, CLion, will show errors about. I discovered that if I save the file as a C++ file, both peices of software are happy.
: a robot with a drivetrain consisting of one motor controlling forward/backward motionmain.cpp
: a robot with the above drivetrain, and a system with an arm lifting a rotator with miniArms.standardDriveOnly.cpp
: a robot with a standard drivetrain, with seperate left/right motorsstandardDrive.cpp
: a robot with the above drivetrain, and a system with an arm lifting a rotator with miniArms.
Today, our team won the Excellence award at the state qualifier game in Sheffield, Ohio. The code shown in this repository was a key factor to us winning, along with some additional research. We will be going to the Ohio State Championship in February.
Today, we won the Create award at the Vex IQ Ohio State Championships. Unfortunately, this did not qualify our team for worlds. However, the judges were impressed by our use of this code, along with some clever mechanical engineering in our robot.