PhD candidate in Molecular Medicine at COSR, under the supervision of Davide Cittaro and Giovanni Petri.
I work with omics data, stochastic models, and networks.
Previously intern at:
- Ivan Zanoni Lab, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston MA, working on fungal ligands, innate immunity and vaccines adjuvants.
- Center for Nanomedicine and Tissue Engineering, Niguarda Hospital, Milan, core developer of morphoscanner
Dentist at ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo, Milan.
I make 3D models from medical images, and then I 3D print them using additive manufacturing. You find my graduation thesis on these stuffs here.
I have built and used many FDM 3D printers, including cartesian, delta and coreXY design, and a multi-material Tool-Changer by E3D. I render dynamically displaced meshes with Blender sometimes.