ShadowOVPN bridges shadowsocks and OpenVPN based on Docker.
These instructions are for deploying ShadowOVPN on your own compute instance.
You need Docker running on your compute instance or install it using following command.
curl -sSL | sh
Make sure requests module of python is installed and firstly grab an ovpn configuration file from using following command. The argument for is two letter country code for available countries.
python jp
Make sure ovpn file is successfully generated and then secondly start ovpnsocks Docker instance.
And then thirdly start pproxy Docker instance using your own shadowsocks configuration.
docker run -d --network="host" \
--name=pproxy leenwu/pproxy \
pproxy -l ss://chacha20:abc@:8080 -r socks5://localhost:1081
Now you can connect OpenVPN server with your designated ovpn file with shadowsocks clients.
Explain how to switch servers when you want or previous server is down.
Choose new ovpn location.
python kr
Docker restarts ovpnsocks instance.
docker restart ovpnsocks
- openvpn-client-socks - Used in ovpnsocks Docker instance
- python-proxy - Used in pproxy Docker instance
- Ligang Wu - Initial work - limitfan
This project is licensed under the MIT License.