This is a website that allows people to keep track of their medical documents while sorting them according to body parts. There is a log in and sign-up to make sure you can access your sensitive data privately. It even allows you to click on them and view each date or document in a new window.
Home: Select a body part then view all relevant documents/dates. After clicking on a document or a date, it opens in a new window.
About: This page gives you a great explanation of how the website works and what it was made for.
Add: This page allows you to add a new document or date and uses a toast to tell you if it was successfull or a failure.
Log out: When clicked, logs you out and takes you back to the log in page.
- Frontend: React, React-Router, Tailwind CSS
- Backend: Firebase, Cloudinary
- Database: Firebase, Cloudinary
- Hosting: Vercel