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True Odds Calculator

True odds calculator written in Python with a nice GUI. Use this calculator to remove the vig/margin from the bookmaker's odds (use a sharp bookmaker/betting exchange with a lot of liqudity to make sure you have the most accurate odds as possible) and see if you can beat their true odds at other bookmakers.

The methods to remove the margin/vig included in the true odds calculator are:

  • EM - Equal margin
  • MPTO - Margin proportional to odds (hidden if negative odds are detected)
  • SHIN - Shin
  • OR - Odds ratio
  • LOG - Logarithmic

Inspired by WinnerOdds.


App Screenshot

How to run / use

  1. Python Installation: Ensure you have Python installed on your system. You can download it from

  2. Install Tesseract (for image recognition). If you are on Windows, you can download it from here.

  3. Install all the dependencies.

    pip install pytesseract pillow numpy pandas openpyxl
  4. Download / clone the repository.

  5. Open the True Odds Calculator.pyw file with a text editor and make sure the Tesseract path is correct

    pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r'C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tesseract.exe'
  6. Run the True Odds Calculator.pyw to open the GUI.

  7. There are three ways to insert the betting odds.

    • Manually: Input the number of results, click generate, input Team/Player (optional) and betting odds, click calculate.
    • Image: Load an image, click calculate (there are two test images in the Test Files folder).
    • Spreadsheet: Load the spreadsheet, click calculate (there is an example spreadsheet in the Test Files folder).
  8. Optional: Insert your own odds into My Odds to see if your bet has any advantage.

    App Screenshot


- Create an easy-to-use web version of this calculator


If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at Contributions are always welcome!