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Demo of lingjie + monorepo.
The monorepo is built with pnpm + Vite + React + Antd + TypeScript.
Importing lingjie scripts and configuring some variables are the only two things needed to connect lingjie. Since lingjie acts as an iframe manager
, its build/deployment is very flexible.
Lingjie supports both run-time integration and build-time integration. This repo shows both. You may choose one of them that fits your needs.
You may find the configuration of both lingjie-shell and micro-apps in the remote. We do this intentionally.
Both lingjie-shell and micro-apps have the switch to connect lingjie. Micro-apps would connect to the lingjie micro-frontend only if the switch opened on both sides.
If the condition allows, we recommend configuring lingjie-shell and micro-app remotely. Thus, you can connect/disconnect lingjie by only changing the remote config, and there is no need to modify the project code.
As shown below
It's worth mentioning that the actions of connecting/disconnecting lingjie will not bring any side-effect to lingjie-shell and existing micro-apps.
|- assets
|- dist // build-time integration
|- packages
|-lingjie // lingjie-shell
|-project-a // project a
|-project-b // project b
|-project-c // project c
|-server // proxy server
|-shard // shared component
The final product, lingjie-shell, and all micro-apps are placed under the same folder.
Install dependencies
pnpm i
build lingjie-shell and micro-apps
pnpm build:micro-frontend
pnpm preview
open http://localhost:4173/project-a/index.html in the browser.
Lingjie-shell and micro-apps are running on different servers. The micro-apps will redirect to lingjie-shell by the proxy server.
We use node as the proxy server in the demo. You may also choose other proxy servers in your project, like Nginx.
Install dependencies
pnpm i
build lingjie-shell and micro-apps
pnpm build:standalone-app
build proxy server
pnpm build:standalone-app
run proxy server, lingjie-shell, and all micro-apps
pnpm serve
proxy server: http://localhost:8060
project-a: http://localhost:8091/project-a
project-b: http://localhost:8092/project-b
project-c: http://localhost:8093/project-c
lingjie-shell: http://localhost:3033
open http://localhost:8060/project-a in the browser