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Update image creation process #51

Update image creation process

Update image creation process #51

Workflow file for this run

# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions
name: CI
VERSION: ${{ github.ref_name }}
BASE_OS_IMAGE: base-os.qcow2
S3_ENDPOINT: ${{ vars.S3_ENDPOINT }}
ACCESS_KEY: ${{ secrets.ACCESS_KEY }}
SECRET_KEY: ${{ secrets.SECRET_KEY }}
S3_ALIAS: ${{ secrets.S3_ALIAS }}
S3_BUCKET: ${{ vars.S3_BUCKET }}
# Controls when the workflow will run
# Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the main branch
- '*'
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# This workflow contains a single job called "build"
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: [self-hosted, Linux]
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
# Runs a single command using the runners shell
- name: Install prerequies
run: |
sudo dnf update -y
sudo dnf install -y libguestfs-tools libguestfs-tools-c wget
# Runs a set of commands using the runners shell
- name: Download base image from AWS
run: |
sudo wget "${{ env.VERSION }}/kvm/amzn2-kvm-${{ env.VERSION }}-x86_64.xfs.gpt.qcow2" -O $BASE_OS_IMAGE
- name: Making some changes on base image
run: |
sudo virt-copy-in -a $BASE_OS_IMAGE config/cloud.cfg /etc/cloud/
- name: Sparsify image
run: |

Check failure on line 49 in .github/workflows/create-image.yml

GitHub Actions / .github/workflows/create-image.yml

Invalid workflow file

You have an error in your yaml syntax on line 49
sudo virt-sysprep -a $BASE_OS_IMAGE
sudo virt-sparsify --compress $BASE_OS_IMAGE amzn2-kvm-${{ env.VERSION }}-x86_64.xfs.gpt.qcow2
sudo md5sum amzn2-kvm-${{ env.VERSION }}-x86_64.xfs.gpt.qcow2 > md5.txt
sudo sha1sum -b amzn2-kvm-${{ env.VERSION }}-x86_64.xfs.gpt.qcow2 > sha1.txt
sudo sha256sum -b amzn2-kvm-${{ env.VERSION }}-x86_64.xfs.gpt.qcow2 > sha256.txt
- name: Uploading image in object storage
run: |
echo "Uploading image in object storage"
mc alias set ${{ env.S3_ALIAS }} ${{ env.S3_ENDPOINT }} ${{ env.ACCESS_KEY }} ${{ env.SECRET_KEY }}
mc cp amzn2-kvm-${{ env.VERSION }}-x86_64.xfs.gpt.qcow2 ${{ env.S3_ALIAS }}/${{ env.S3_BUCKET }}/latest/amzn2-kvm-${{ env.VERSION }}-x86_64.xfs.gpt.qcow2
mc cp md5.txt ${{ env.S3_ALIAS }}/${{ env.S3_BUCKET }}/latest/md5.txt
mc cp sha1.txt ${{ env.S3_ALIAS }}/${{ env.S3_BUCKET }}/latest/sha1.txt
mc cp sha256.txt ${{ env.S3_ALIAS }}/${{ env.S3_BUCKET }}/latest/sha256.txt
mc cp ${{ env.S3_ALIAS }}/${{ env.S3_BUCKET }}/latest/amzn2-kvm-${{ env.VERSION }}-x86_64.xfs.gpt.qcow2 ${{ env.S3_ALIAS }}/${{ env.S3_BUCKET }}/${{ env.VERSION }}/amzn2-kvm-${{ env.VERSION }}-x86_64.xfs.gpt.qcow2
mc cp ${{ env.S3_ALIAS }}/${{ env.S3_BUCKET }}/latest/md5.txt ${{ env.S3_ALIAS }}/${{ env.S3_BUCKET }}/${{ env.VERSION }}/md5.txt
mc cp ${{ env.S3_ALIAS }}/${{ env.S3_BUCKET }}/latest/sha1.txt ${{ env.S3_ALIAS }}/${{ env.S3_BUCKET }}/${{ env.VERSION }}/sha1.txt
mc cp ${{ env.S3_ALIAS }}/${{ env.S3_BUCKET }}/latest/sha256.txt ${{ env.S3_ALIAS }}/${{ env.S3_BUCKET }}/${{ env.VERSION }}/sha256.txt