New Traits:
- upgrade Development Status to Production/Stable instead of Beta.
- add hybrid methods about FISTA, Nesterov to solve a new optimization issue.
- test and verify all executable algorithms in newly developed component.
Hybrid Optimization:
import optimtool.hybrid as oh
from optimtool.base import sp
x = sp.symbols("x1:3")
f = (2 - (sp.cos(x[0]) + sp.cos(x[1])) + (1 - sp.cos(x[0])) - sp.sin(x[0]))**2 + \
(2 - (sp.cos(x[0]) + sp.cos(x[1])) + 2 * (1 - sp.cos(x[1])) - sp.sin(x[1]))**2
x_0 = (0.2, 0.2) # Random given
oh.fista.normal(f, x, x_0, verbose=True, epsilon=1e-4)
see tests and examples for more compatible use, hope more issues will be discussed.