UI-Kit-ts provides several typescript ui components and functionality used throughout our projects.
Checkout the online demo of the showcase.
: library containing all components and functionalityshowcase
: showcase which demonstrates all components and their usage
Run the following command to start the showcase app and open it in your browser:
npm run dev:sc
To build the library use:
npm run build:lib
And the showcase:
npm run build:sc
ui-kit-ts offers integration of FormatJS to support localization, although no component is tight to it.
Use the LocaleProvider in the locale context to automatically fetch translations of defined messages.
With npm run messages:extract
defined messages in FormatJS Message components are extracted into the library/localization/translations directory as Json. Create the translated Json using the locale identifier as file name (i.g. extracted is a 'en.json', so we create a 'de.json'). Compilation of the translated messages happens automatically during the build.
When using the LocaleProvider, it will try to download the compiled translations for a set locale from the public/translations-compiled directory. If none is available, it will default back to the default messages.
ui-kit-ts supports the Atlassian design system, which is basically a mapping of tokens to css variables. If the used component does not seem to have the proper styling, use the 'initTheming()' function in the theming directory, which sets the themeing attribute in the HTML tag.
Do not forget to add the '@linked-planet/ui-kit-ts/style.css' someplace in your project.