Easy form validation is a combination of two directives.
- The directive blur adds a class 'invalid' when the element is invalid or you try to submit the form with an invalid element
- The directive error-message adds a custom message in order to give a realtime feedback to the user and show eventual errors from the server
A demo is available here
bower install ngFormErrors --save
##How to use it Import on your file html the following files:
- src/blur/blur.css
- src/blur/blur.js
- src/error/error.css
- src/errorMessage.js
- src/errorMessageTemplate.js
- src/index.js
Inject into your main module the module:
Then just append the blur
directive to an input field, this is really important because will also the trigger the error-message
<input class="form-control" name="email" type="email" ng-model="email" placeholder="email" blur>
<form name="sampleForm">
<div class="form-group">
<input class="form-control" name="email" type="email" ng-model="email" placeholder="email" blur>
<error-message server-error="errors" field="sampleForm.email" invalid-message="mail non corretta"></error-message>
<div class="form-group">
<input class="form-control" name="size" type="number" ng-model="size" placeholder="number" blur required>
<error-message server-error="errors" field="sampleForm.size" invalid-message="This should be a number"></error-message>
As you can see we have added the directive blur to the input field and a error-message tag with the following attributes:
- field = the filed to be watched
- invalid-message = the message to show when the field is invalid (for client side validatio)
- server-error = a $scope variable containing errors from the server
The base error.tpl.html
<p class="validationErrors alert alert-danger" ng-class="{in: field.$showErr}" ng-show="invalidMessage">
<span class="fa fa-info-circle"></span>
{{ invalidMessage }}
<p class="validationErrors alert alert-danger" ng-repeat="(key, value) in field.$error" ng-class="{in: field.$showErr}" ng-show="!invalidMessage &&!serverError">
<span class="fa fa-info-circle"></span>
{{ getErrMsg(key) }}
<p class="alert alert-danger validationErrors" ng-repeat="message in serverError.messages[field.$name]" ng-class="{
in: field.$showErr && serverError.messages[field.$name]}" ng-show="!invalidMessage">
<span class="fa fa-info-circle"></span>
You can use a custom template just configuring in you module's config section:
validationErrorsProvider.template = 'myTemplate.html';
Note You should not call your template error.tpl.html
as this name is cached in the module with $templateCache
You can define you custom messages to override the default:
- defaultMsg 'Invalid Field'
- required 'Mandatory Field',
- pattern 'Invalid Format',
- number 'This should be a number',
- email 'Invalid email address'
validationErrorsProvider.errorMessages = {
default: 'Invalid Field',
required : 'Mandatory Field',
pattern : 'Invalid Format',
number : 'This should be a number',
email : 'Invalid email address'
Unless you will change all messages use the dot
validationErrorsProvider.errorMessages.default = 'My Custom Message';
The errors from the server should be structured in this way:
messages : {
<field_name_1> : <error_text_1>,
<field_name_2> : <error_text_2>,
field: the form control name whose errors should be displayed
invalid-message: the error text to be displayed
A demo is present in the demo folder, to view it:
cd ng-form-errors
npm install
bower install
grunt serve