LPAlexaKitiOS is the app side SDK for Linkplay Alexa operation solution;you can use it to implement the device's Alexa login and Alexa information settings.
LPAlexaKit mainly provides two functions:
Device Alexa login and logout.
Device Alexa information settings, such as language, prompt tone, etc.
You can find documentation on the website.
- Download LPAlexaKitiOS and import SDK to your project
- iOS >= 10.0
LPAlexaKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
platform :ios, '10.0'
target 'your_target_name' do
pod "LPAlexaKitiOS", :git => "https://github.com/linkplayapp/LPAlexaKitiOS.git"
Then run the pod update
command in the root directory of project.
For use of CocoaPods, please refer to the CocoaPods Guides. It is recommended to update the CocoaPods to the latest version.
- Import LPAlexaKit.framework, and its dependent SDK: LPMusicKitiOS
LinkPlay, ios_team@linkplay.com