TLP 1.2.2
Battery Features, tlp-stat -b
- Show data for batteries named other than BAT0/BAT1 (non-ThinkPads)
- Issue #395: ThinkPad X1C6 discharge malfunction
- Separate checks for charge thresholds and recalibration
- Intelligible recommendation for tp-smapi on ThinkPad X220/T420 et al.
- Explain "Battery Features: Charge Thresholds and Recalibrate"
- Fix type determination
Operation Mode AC/BAT
- MacBookPro 5.3: workaround for false AC offline status
Processor, tlp-stat -p
- Fix read of /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/boost
- x86_energy_perf_policy: detect unsupported CPUs in newer versions
Radio Devices
- Issue #404: make RESTORE_DEVICE_STATE_ON_STARTUP=1 persistent again