A tool for monitoring a Magnum inverter using Python3 and a RS-485 to serial converter, then publishing that data to an MQTT broker.
Prior work in this arena from:
- Chris (aka user cpfl) Midnightsolar forum.
- Paul Alting van Geusau
- Liam O'Brien
Code from earlier versions of the repostiory based heavily on work by Liam O'Brien and others noted above.
This version is a complete rewrite:
- Now uses a protocol definition file and interpreter model.
- Changed the Serial data collection to provide better synchronization to the on-the-wire protocol
- Moved the Serial collection a separate thread.
- Added better 'junk' packet rejection.
- For the PT-100, the documented
( Accessory segment0xC1
, byte 2 ) does not follow observed data. - ACLD Remote packet ( remote
) is not documented in the spec PDF file I have, thus not provided for in the spec file.
- Copy files from
to system with an RS-485 serial converter. - Reload the systemd daemon:
# systemctl daemon-reload
- Modify options in
for MQTT broker and rentention based on command line options:# ./magpi.v3.py --help usage: magpi.v3.py [-h] [-b BROKER] [-d {0,1,2}] [-i INTERVAL] [-p PORT] [-r] [-s SPECFILE] [-t TOPIC] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -b BROKER, --broker BROKER MQTT Broker to publish to -d {0,1,2}, --debug {0,1,2} debug data -i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL MQTT update interval ( default 1 second ) -p PORT, --port PORT commuications port descriptor, e.g /dev/ttyUSB0 or COM1 -r, --retain MQTT Retain? -s SPECFILE, --specfile SPECFILE Magnum Protocol Spec File -t TOPIC, --topic TOPIC MQTT topic prefix
- Enable & Start the service, specifying the proper RS-485 serial device ( e.g.
)# systemctl enable --now magpi@ttyUSB0
Holding a 6 Pin RJ-11 connector with the tab facing away from you, cable dropping out of that connector toward you, here is the pin-out from left to right:
- 1 = NC
- 2 = (A+ 0-5V)
- 3 = (GND)
- 4 = NC
- 5 = (B- 7-12V)
- 6 = (14V w/respect to 3 as GND)
NOTE: Magnum cautions that Pin 6 voltage should NOT be used to power any accessories.