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Hydro AWS infrastructure


Code to deploy AWS LI Hydro surveys infrastructure.


The result of deploying this should be a stack called "HydroSurveyStack" containing the following:

  • A landing zone bucket where survey providers can upload their surveys.
  • A processing bucket where Hydro employees can work on surveys.
  • A consumption bucket where the public can retrieve survey processing outputs.



  1. Run nvm install && nvm use within this project root to use the configured Node.js version. Repeat this and following steps when .nvmrc changes.
  2. Install packages (repeat when package-lock.json changes):
    1. Generate a new GitHub personal access token (PAT) with the access "read:packages".
    2. Run export NODE_AUTH_TOKEN=[the PAT value] to allow access to install private packages from GitHub within the current shell.
    3. If you're just deploying and not doing development, run npm install --omit=dev to install only production packages.
    4. If you're doing development:
      • Run npm install to install all packages.
      • Optionally install pre-commit, then run pre-commit install --hook-type=commit-msg --hook-type=pre-commit --overwrite to install the hooks which will automatically lint and format files when committing, and verify commit messages.


Authenticate using aws-azure-login --no-prompt --profile="$AWS_PROFILE", where $AWS_PROFILE is the name of one of the profiles in your ~/.aws/config file.

  • npm run cdk diff -- --fail --strict compares the deployed stack with the current state.
  • npm run cdk deploy -- --method=direct --strict deploys this stack.

Beware: You must run commands like npm run RUN_OPTIONS COMMAND -- COMMAND_OPTIONS (note the --). npm run RUN_OPTIONS COMMAND COMMAND_OPTIONS (without the --) will not do what you expect - all options will be treated like npm run options!


  • npm run build compiles TypeScript to JavaScript.
  • npm run watch compiles files when files change.
  • npm run lint checks file formatting.
  • npm run test runs the tests.
  • npm run cdk synth emits the synthesized CloudFormation template.
  • pre-commit run --all-files runs other linters and formatters manually.