What's Changed
- apps/home: added choosable link to text with image block
- Implement full-text search with elasticsearch
- Use berlin.de grid and remove bootstrap
- images/logo: replace old logo
- Add correct fonts
- Add theses block
- forms: update structure for a11y and styling and wording to match CI
- add footer from external resource
- adjusting all existing blocks to match CI
- adjusting all existing pages to match CI
- overview-page/intro-image: adding image and using translatable caption
- add alternative and copyright texts to images
- search: improve search results
- Rm old teasers and blocks that do not match CI
- Gruenbuch: change overview and detail page of Grunbuch
- Add editable social media tags to required pages include image
- issue fixing
- Translations
Full Changelog: v2111...v2204