Releases: liqd/digitalstrategie
Releases · liqd/digitalstrategie
What's Changed
- settings/renovate: enable updating py packages and adapt to other pro… by @fuzzylogic2000 in #490
- chore(deps): update dependency postcss to v8.4.16 by @renovate in #459
- chore(deps): update dependency husky to v8 by @renovate in #437
- fix(deps): update dependency webpack to v5.74.0 by @renovate in #441
- chore(deps): update babel monorepo by @renovate in #455
- fix(deps): update dependency copy-webpack-plugin to v11 by @renovate in #456
- fix(deps): update dependency sass-loader to v13 by @renovate in #460
- chore(deps): update dependency django to v3.2.16 by @renovate in #491
- fix(deps): update dependency postcss-loader to v7 by @renovate in #461
- chore(deps): update dependency stylelint to v14.14.0 by @renovate in #464
- chore(deps): update dependency django-cloudflare-push to v0.2.2 by @renovate in #499
- chore(deps): update dependency elasticsearch to v7.17.7 by @renovate in #500
- fix(deps): update dependency mini-css-extract-plugin to v2.6.1 by @renovate in #482
- chore(deps): update dependency lint-staged to v12.5.0 by @renovate in #469
- chore(deps): update dependency postcss to v8.4.18 by @renovate in #505
- chore(deps): update dependency psycopg2-binary to v2.9.5 by @renovate in #506
- chore(deps): update dependency wagtail to v2.16.3 by @renovate in #507
- chore(deps): update dependency pytest to v7.2.0 by @renovate in #511
- chore(deps): update dependency sib-api-v3-sdk to v7.5.0 by @renovate in #513
- chore(deps): update dependency sentry-sdk to v1.10.1 by @renovate in #512
- chore(deps): update actions/setup-python action to v4 by @renovate in #517
- chore(deps): update dependency flake8 to v5 by @renovate in #518
- chore(deps): update dependency lint-staged to v13 by @renovate in #519
- fix(deps): update dependency terser-webpack-plugin to v5.3.6 by @renovate in #510
- fix(deps): update dependency autoprefixer to v10.4.12 by @renovate in #508
- chore(deps): update dependency webpack-cli to v4.10.0 by @renovate in #515
- fix(deps): update dependency node-sass to v7.0.3 by @renovate in #509
- chore(deps): update dependency stylelint-declaration-strict-value to v1.9.1 by @renovate in #514
- chore(deps): update dependency pytest-cov to v4 by @renovate in #520
- chore(deps): update dependency stylelint-config-standard-scss to v6 by @renovate in #521
- fix(deps): update dependency autoprefixer to v10.4.13 by @renovate in #526
- move isort config to file by @goapunk in #503
- ci: use node 18 by @goapunk in #502
- replace node-sass with sass by @goapunk in #504
- chore(deps): update dependency autoprefixer to v10.4.13 by @renovate in #529
- chore(deps): update dependency terser-webpack-plugin to v5.3.6 by @renovate in #530
- [#6627] deps wagtail3 by @phillimorland in #527
- chore(deps): update dependency whitenoise to v6.2.0 by @renovate in #516
- [#6627] deps wagtail4 by @phillimorland in #528
- chore(deps): update dependency wagtail to v4.1 by @renovate in #522
- [#6598] gruenbuch/models: extend oveview page to create index page with migra… by @phillimorland in #535
- [#6514] add libs and update webpack by @phillimorland in #531
- apps/home: add microsite overview and detail pages and remove bg colo… by @Rineee in #536
- Pm 2022 11 detail page by @phillimorland in #537
- Ks 2022 11 gruenbuch intro image by @Rineee in #538
- [#6514] styleguide fixes after library download by @phillimorland in #534
- Update lower footer by @phillimorland in #497
- chore(deps): update dependency stylelint to v14.14.1 by @renovate in #542
- chore(deps): update dependency babel-loader to v8.3.0 by @renovate in #543
- chore(deps): update dependency sass to v1.56.0 by @renovate in #545
- assets/ds_block: fix top margin for coloured blocks on pages with hero by @phillimorland in #540
- urls: add language prefix to urls by @Rineee in #544
- translations: fix wording contact form - fixes #473 by @fuzzylogic2000 in #547
- chore(deps): update babel monorepo to v7.20.2 by @renovate in #549
- github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE: update issue template and example by @phillimorland in #550
- Ks 2022 11 add teaser columns and single to microsite detail page WITH MIGRATION by @Rineee in #552
- ds-block: add overwrite for bg coloured blocks w images to ensure eve… by @phillimorland in #551
- chore(deps): update dependency husky to v8.0.2 by @renovate in #553
- [#6603] home/blocks: add new video block with template by @phillimorland in #541
- gruenbuch: add text with image block to gb overview and index WITH MIGRATION by @Rineee in #555
- make newsletter-signup view return 404 if not a post request by @goapunk in #557
- chore(deps): update dependency sass to v1.56.1 by @renovate in #558
- Translations update from LIQD Weblate by @liqd-translator in #556
- Pm 2022 11 mobile img by @phillimorland in #559
- video_block: add identifyer to function to ensure correct behaviour f… by @phillimorland in #561
- [#6604] add captcha to forms by @goapunk in #493
- chore(deps): update dependency webpack to v5.75.0 by @renovate in #566
- chore(deps): update dependency sass-loader to v13.2.0 by @renovate in #567
- fix various translation issues by @goapunk in #564
- Translations update from LIQD Weblate by @liqd-translator in #568
Full Changelog: v2205.1...v2211
What's Changed
- improved a11y
- added newsletter block
- added single teaser block
- made blocks available on more pages
- change of logo
- smaller style changes and fixes
- updates
Full Changelog: v2204...v2205
What's Changed
- apps/home: added choosable link to text with image block
- Implement full-text search with elasticsearch
- Use grid and remove bootstrap
- images/logo: replace old logo
- Add correct fonts
- Add theses block
- forms: update structure for a11y and styling and wording to match CI
- add footer from external resource
- adjusting all existing blocks to match CI
- adjusting all existing pages to match CI
- overview-page/intro-image: adding image and using translatable caption
- add alternative and copyright texts to images
- search: improve search results
- Rm old teasers and blocks that do not match CI
- Gruenbuch: change overview and detail page of Grunbuch
- Add editable social media tags to required pages include image
- issue fixing
- Translations
Full Changelog: v2111...v2204
Second pre-release with:
- Add libraries
- Add platform header and footer with additional styling
- Add breadcrumb nav
- HomePage - add hero, additional blocks and clean up existing ones
- Teaser blocks added for all page types
- Refactr of file names and classes
- Update of grunbuch styling
- Updates including linting
- Add a11y info to nav with setting for contact details
- Add translatable fields
- Add translations
- Add participation and contact form
- Styling of simple page
- Refactor of wagtail fields and page tree
- Logos
- Caption to images
- Styling Overview page
- Refactor titles
- refactor styles with the introduction of libraries
Initial release with:
- HomePage
- SimplePage (only using RichTextBlock)
- OverviewPage
- DetailPage
- CallToActionBlock used on HomePage
- FaqBlock used on DetailPages and HomePage
- QuoteBlock used on HomePage
- TextWithImageBlock used on HomePage
- 4 TeaserBlocks to be used on OverviewPages
- settings for important pages imprint and data protection policy
- setting for gruenbuch download
- (unstyled) participation form
- (unstyled) contact form
- gruenbuch app with GruenbuchDetail- and IndexPages and extra block GruenbuchFaqBlock
- translatable fields for German, English and Easy German
- MenuSnippets to use in header and footers (footer and content-footer)
- custom images with (translatable) caption