WAVES adaptors classes are aimed to be used inside a WAVES-webapp project, but could be useful elsewhere depending on your requirements
Waves Galaxy adapter is a set of classes intended to wrapped remote calculation devices interface into the WAVES unified ServiceRunner API through Galaxy Server (https://usegalaxy.org)
- WAVES core package: https://github.com/lirmm/waves-core
- GALAXY project: https://galaxyproject.org/
- BioBlend galaxy API: https://github.com/galaxyproject/bioblend
- Issue Tracker: https://github.com/lirmm/waves-galaxy/issues
- Source Code: https://github.com/lirmm/waves-galaxy
If you are having issues, please let us know. We have a mailing list located at: waves-webapp@googlegroups.com
The project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 license.