I have learnt a lot of knowledge in web develop domain and tasted a lot technologies like java/javascript. Java is my first engineering language. J2SE/JVM, Struts2+Hibernate, Spring framework, J2EE especially JPA and various of Apache foundation artifacts.
- JSP is already deprecated during this decade, because it has no loose coupling for web development. PHP is the same. Struts2 has resolved problem that front end get/set data from pure java bean, provied html tags to display and communicate with main java virtual machine.
- J2EE is much heavier framework instead. All the front component should be bond with backend view/session components, moreover JSF, EJB have been instead with lightweight implementation like Angular, RESTFUL service.
- Java web should be based on application server, like weblogic/websphere/glassfish, these should be paid software and provide more features like enable ejb and others. Unlike these, tomcat is more lightweight one but cannot support all J2EE implementation.
- Javascript is more popular recent days. Nodejs helps javascript to extend its domains to backend development and suggests a new thinking that it will be correct to write an non-blocked program. Es6 has published and makes javascript more like backend languages like Java/Scala.
- Jquery has dominated HTML DOM a lot of years, you would be provided all the manual operation to control HTML DOM by yourself. However, like Angular.js and Ember.js, have provided default functions by itself and no need to implement events one by one. These changed our program way and make it easier than before.
- ORM, hibernate is to implement ORM and more and more software framework support it, like Ember data.
- 1.Application
- 2.Middleware
- 3.Database
- 4.Operation System
- 5.Virtualize
- 6.Hardware
Server side
Description : language java and j2ee, editor Intellj idea, env JVM
+ [First sight on java.lang](https://github.com/lishan/blog/wiki/First-sight-on-java.lang)
+ [javase able$ interfaces](https://github.com/lishan/blog/wiki/Java-able$-interfaces),not finished yet
+ [JSF id generator strategy](https://github.com/lishan/blog/wiki/JSF-id-generator-strategy)
+ Touch Mockito
+ [https://code.google.com/p/mockito/](https://code.google.com/p/mockito/)
Client side
Description : language javascript and jquery, editor Intellj idea, env firebug
+ [http://learn.jquery.com/](http://learn.jquery.com/)
+ [Touch jquery](https://github.com/lishan/blog/wiki/Touch-jquery)
+ [Firebug you should know](https://github.com/lishan/blog/wiki/You-should-know-firebug)
+ [How about angular](https://github.com/lishan/blog/wiki/How-about-angular%3F)
+ [Nodejs first](https://github.com/lishan/blog/wiki/Fresh-meat-nodejs)
+ Ember.js
+ Angular.js
Description : language sql, editor Sqldeveloper, env n/a
+ Oracle
+ Mysql
+ hsqldb(file system db based on java)
+ [SQL](https://github.com/lishan/blog/wiki/SQL-Phase-I)
+ DButils
+ Postgresql
Operation System
Description : language shell, editor vim, env n/a
+ [First sight on Vim](https://github.com/lishan/blog/wiki/First-sight-on-vim)
+ Shell scripts
+ Perl
+ Python
- Others
+ Advanced maven feature
+ Write maven plugin
+ git
+ [http://gitref.org/index.html](http://gitref.org/index.html)
+ markdown editor
+ [http://wowubuntu.com/markdown/](http://wowubuntu.com/markdown/)
+ scala
+ python
+ spring framework
- Miscellaneous enterprise to support developing + Apache community, provided various of tools and framework, so amazing I think including struts,maven, lucence, etc. + Atlassian, JIRA and confluence. + Firefox, firefox and thunderbird. + Spring framework. + JBoss seam, hibernate, integration test framework.