Wednesday 6:30PM - 8:00PM, March 20th, Room P6-7
The goal of NASR is to achieve secure routing by ensuring data transits only on trusted devices, trusted links, trusted operating environments or trusted services.
Problem Statement: Traditional routing security does not guarantee predictability and auditability of forwarding behaviors.
Motivation: Security-sensitive clients want their sensitive data forward only via trusted devices, with no data leakage or deviation from these predictable paths.
Use Cases: This permits operator use cases such as (differentiated trust-level) secure leased lines, quality of trust, routing compliance services, SFC, etc.
See initial charter/scope in our opening/host slides...
NASR continues the discussion from IETF 118 Path Validation Side Meeting, whose agenda and materials are also archived in this repo.
Subscribe to NASR Mailing List:
- Opening, List Discussions Recap (10 minutes)
- Current Scope: CMCC (10 min)
- Architecture Proposal, combining TPR+POT: Telefonica (15min)
- 1st QA, Discussions (15 min)
- Trusted Enhanced Path Routing: Pengcheng Lab (10min)
- Proof-of-Transit Mechanisms Survey/Benchmark: Huawei France (10min)
- 2nd QA, Discussions (15 min)
- Wrap up, next steps (5 min)
Materials will be uploaded soon.
- Path Validation Problem Statement: draft-liu-path-validation-problem-statement-00
- NASR Use Cases and Requirements: draft-liu-nasr-requirements-01
- NASR Terminology: draft-richardson-nasr-terminology-00
- NASR Architecture: upcoming
- NASR Charter: upcoming
- Remote attendance link:
- Pointer to IETF page:
- Meeting Notes:
This problem may interest people that are interested in:
- routing security
- trustworthiness assessment of a path
- source routing
- service function chaining
- in-situ OAM
- path tracing
- ingress filtering
- Telefonica: Diego Lopez
- China Mobile: Meiling Chen
- Pengcheng Laboratory: Xiang Liu
- Huawei: Chunchi Peter Liu (host)