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GraphAware UUID is a simple library that transparently assigns a UUID to newly created nodes and relationships in the graph and makes sure nobody can (accidentally or intentionally) change or delete them.
When using Neo4j in the standalone server mode,
you will need the GraphAware Neo4j Framework and GraphAware Neo4j UUID .jar files (both of which you can download here) dropped
into the plugins
directory of your Neo4j installation. After changing a few lines of config (read on) and restarting Neo4j, the module will do its magic.
Java developers that use Neo4j in embedded mode and those developing Neo4j server plugins, unmanaged extensions, GraphAware Runtime Modules, or Spring MVC Controllers can include use the UUID as a dependency for their Java project.
Releases are synced to Maven Central repository. When using Maven for dependency management, include the following dependency in your pom.xml.
To use the latest development version, just clone this repository, run mvn clean install
and change the version in the
dependency above to
The version number has two parts. The first four numbers indicate compatibility with Neo4j GraphAware Framework. The last number is the version of the UUID library. For example, version is version 1 of the UUID library compatible with GraphAware Neo4j Framework
Edit conf/neo4j.conf
to register the UUID module:
#UIDM becomes the module ID:
#optional, default is uuid:
#optional, default is false:
#optional, default is all nodes:
com.graphaware.module.UIDM.node=hasLabel('Label1') || hasLabel('Label2')
#optional, default is no relationships:
#optional, default is uuidIndex
#optional, default is uuidRelIndex
Note that "UIDM" becomes the module ID.
is the property name that will be used to store the assigned UUID on nodes and relationships. The default is "uuid".
is the property name that controls hyphen existence. If its true created UUID will be free from hyphens.
specifies either a fully qualified class name of NodeInclusionPolicy
or a Spring Expression Language expression determining, which nodes to assign a UUID to. The default is to assign the
UUID property to every node which isn't internal to the framework.
specifies either a fully qualified class name of RelationshipInclusionPolicy
or a Spring Expression Language expression determining, which relationships to assign a UUID to. The default is not to assign the
UUID property to any relationship. If you want to assign UUID to all relationship, please use com.graphaware.module.UIDM.relationship=com.graphaware.runtime.policy.all.IncludeAllBusinessRelationships
is the explicit index name that will be used to index nodes based on their UUID. The default is "uuidIndex".
is the explicit index name that will be used to index relationships based on their UUID. The default is "uuidRelIndex".
Note explicit indexes (which differ from schema indexes) are used as they are label agnostic. You can check the existence of these explicit indexes via the neo4j-shell
> neo4j-shell
neo4j-sh (?)$ index --indexes
Node indexes:
Relationship indexes:
To use the UUID module programmatically, register the module like this
GraphAwareRuntime runtime = GraphAwareRuntimeFactory.createRuntime(database); //where database is an instance of GraphDatabaseService
UuidModule module = new UuidModule("UUIDM", UuidConfiguration.defaultConfiguration());
GraphDatabaseService database = new GraphDatabaseFactory().newEmbeddedDatabaseBuilder(pathToDb)
//make sure neo4j.properties contain the lines mentioned in previous section
Apart from the configuration described above, the GraphAware UUID module requires nothing else to function. It will assign a UUID to nodes and relationships configured, and will prevent modifications to the UUID or deletion of the UUID property from these nodes/relationships by not allowing the transaction to commit. You can also retrieve a node/relationship by UUID.
Note: If you create a node and return it immediately, its contents will not reflect changes performed by transaction event handlers such as this one -- thus the UUID will not be available. A separate call must be made to get the UUID, for example:
CREATE (n:User {name: "Alice"}) RETURN id(n)
// Later, using saved ID from above:
MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = 123 RETURN n.uuid
Once deployed, you can use the following Cypher functions:
ga.uuid.findNode('<your UUID>')
(then do something with the result, e.g.RETURN id(ga.uuid.findNode('<your UUID>')) as nodeId
ga.uuid.findRelationship('<your UUID>')
In case you did not use UIDM
(the default) as the module ID in your configuration, or if you registered multiple UUID modules,
you will have to use slightly different syntax that allows you to pass in the module ID. 'nd' stands for "non-default":
ga.uuid.nd.findNode('<module ID>','<your UUID>')
ga.uuid.nd.findRelationship('<module ID>','<your UUID>')
ga.uuid.nd.findNodes('<module ID>',['<UUID1>,<UUID2>,...'])
ga.uuid.nd.findRelationships('<module ID>',['<UUID1>,<UUID2>,...'])
When a node or relationship isn't found, null
is returned. A non-existing UUID module ID will result in a NotFoundException
In Server Mode, a node/relationship can be retrieved by its UUID via the REST API.
You can issue GET requests to http://your-server-address:7474/graphaware/uuid/{moduleId}/node/{uuid}
to get the node ID for a given uuid.
GET requests to http://your-server-address:7474/graphaware/uuid/{moduleId}/relationship/{uuid}
will get the relationship ID for a given uuid.
{moduleId} is the module ID the UUID Module was registered with. You can omit this part of the URL, in which case "UIDM" is assumed as the default value. If no node exists with the given UUID, a 404 status code will be returned.
To use the Java API to find a node by its UUID, please instantiate UuidReader
and use the method getNodeIdByUuid
or getRelationshipByUuid
UuidConfiguration configuration = getStartedRuntime(database).getModule(moduleId, UuidModule.class).getConfiguration();
UuidReader reader = UuidReader(configuration, database);
Node node = getNodeIdByUuid(uuid);
Relationship rel = getRelationshipByUuid(uuid);
Please refer to Javadoc for more detail.
By default, the com.graphaware.common.uuid.EaioUuidGenerator
is used to generate the underlying UUID. Any generator implementation can be used, be it
out of the box or your own custom code, by modifying the conf/neo4j.conf
. The following example configures the UUID module to make use of the JavaUtilUUIDGenerator
The following example configures the UUID module to make use of the SequenceIdGenerator
Please see the com.graphaware.common.uuid.UuidGenerator
interface and the com.graphaware.module.uuid.generator
package for more information
and examples of how to implement your own generator.
This module ensures that all assigned UUIDs on nodes and relationships are immutable, meaning they cannot be deleted nor changed. In some scenarios, developers might want to disable the immutability with the following configuration setting :
We only allow this setting for development purposes or developers having an specific need and we fully discourage the use of this setting.
Copyright (c) 2018 GraphAware
GraphAware is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.