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Neovim Configuration

This is my personal Neovim configuration. It uses a variety of plugins, including LSP (Language Server Protocol), Mason (to install language servers more easily), conform, cmp, and more, to enhance the editor's functionality. It is written entirely in Lua.


  • LSP (Language Server Protocol): Provides powerful language support, including autocompletion, diagnostics, go-to-definition, and more.
  • conform: A plugin for code formatting that supports multiple linters and formatters.
  • cmp: A completion plugin for advanced autocompletion functionality.
  • Additional plugins for Git integration, easier file navigation (via Telescope), and more.

Directory Structure

  • nvim/lua/user/plugins: Folder containing all the plugins. Each plugin has its own file that contains custom settings or keymaps.
  • nvim/lua/user/options.lua: Stores Neovim options and settings.
  • nvim/lua/user/keymaps.lua: Contains custom key mappings.
  • A script to set up the configuration.


To set up this Neovim configuration, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone ~/nvim-config
  2. Run the installation script:

    You can use the provided install script to automate the setup process. This script will remove any existing Neovim configuration and link your custom config.


    After running the script, your Neovim configuration will be set up and ready to use.

  3. Install Plugins:

    After setting up the configuration, open Neovim. The plugin manager LazyVim will automatically install all the necessary plugins.

  4. Install Language Servers (Optional):

    The configuration uses Mason to make it easier to install language servers. You can customize the lspconfig.lua file to add or remove any LSP server according to your needs.


  • Options: Modify global Neovim options in nvim/lua/user/options.lua.
  • Keymaps: Custom keymaps are defined in nvim/lua/user/keymaps.lua. You can modify or add new keybindings there.
  • Plugins: To add or remove plugins, add or remove plugins in nvim/lua/user/plugins.


Once the configuration is installed, you can start using Neovim with all the features enabled. The configuration will automatically load the LSP for supported languages, offer autocompletion with cmp, and format code using conform.

If you need to support additional file types, you can modify the nvim/lua/user/plugins/conform.lua file. Format on save is enabled by default.

Key Bindings

Here are a few of the custom keybindings:

  • gd: Go to definition (LSP)
  • gr: Find references (LSP)
  • K: Show documentation (LSP)
  • <Leader>f: Search for a file (Telescope)
  • <Leader>b: View all buffers (Telescope)
  • <Leader>g: Grep for a word (Telescope)
  • <Leader>rn: Rename a symbol (LSP)
  • <Leader>ca: Trigger code actions (LSP)


Some great Neovim configurations to get started:


Personal neovim configuration







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