You can use this as a starting point for developing Live CV plugins.
- Version: 1.0.0
- Requires:
- Live CV: 1.4 or higher
- Qt: 5.6 or higher
- Open CV: 3.1 or higher
There are 3 ways to compile the code, depending on your preferences:
Use this mode if you want to debug your plugin alongside Live CV or simply want to have access to Live CV's source while you are developing your plugin.
To build, clone the dev branch(currently only the dev branch is at version 1.4) from livecv in the dependencies directory:
git clone -b dev dependencies/livecv
Use the to build.
Please note that the plugin is configured to be deployed into the build directory of Live CV so it can be located as soon as it's build. If you compile manually:
cd build
qmake -r ..
make (or nmake)
Then Live CV will be build in build/dependencies/livecv/bin, and the plugin in build/depdendencies/livecv/bin/plugins/tutorial
If you've already build Live CV in another location, and want to deploy the plugin there,
you can configure LIVECV_BIN_PATH
variables from .qmake.conf file.
points to the bin directory of your Live CV buildLIVECV_DEV_PATH
points to the source code directory of Live CV (this is mostly used to include project files and setup include paths)
The plugin will be deployed in Live CV's bin/plugins directory, so it will be automatically discovered by Live CV.
This is simplest mode since it doesn't require you to build Live CV. By obtaining an already build version from Live CV's website, configure the 2 variables from .qmake.conf to point to it:
points to the downloaded live cv application (.../livecv)LIVECV_DEV_PATH
points to the downloaded live cv application dev directory (.../livecv/dev)
Like the above step, the plugin will be deployed in Live CV's bin/plugins directory.
Note: If you want to keep your git branch clean, instead of modifying the .qmake.conf file, you can create a file config.pri in your source root where you can overwrite the configuration paths. The file is ignored by git and is automatically included in the project if it exists.
This section describes some of the files that are part of the project.
.qmake.conf is the starting point and a key file in the project. The file is included automatically into all project files, so any variables or functions defined here will be available everywhere. As a Live CV plugin, we want to obtain most of the functionality already provided by the application (linking to plugins, deployment structure, etc), it's why within .qmake.conf we include the package.pri file from Live CV's dev path, which removes the need to write a lot of it ourselves:
This is the main file used to build the project. It includes the dependencies and
plugins dirs. The dependencies are optional and can be controlled by the BUILD_DEPENDENCIES
TEMPLATE = subdirs
SUBDIRS += plugins
plugins.subdir = $$PWD/plugins
SUBDIRS += dependencies
dependencies.subdir = $$PWD/dependencies
plugins.depends = dependencies
The dependencies/ file includes Live CV's source code only if its available. This is only used if you are compiling this plugin together with Live CV.
This file adds the tutorial plugin to the build.
In we configure PLUGIN_NAME
PLUGIN_NAME = tutorial
Then include plugin.pri from Live CV to handle a lot of boilerplate code:
We link to the plugins we are dependent on, in this case lcvcore
and live
This will solve include paths and link the plugin libraries to our plugin.
linkPlugin(live, live)
linkPlugin(lcvcore, lcvcore)
And finally we include our source and opencv configuration:
The qmldir file together with any other *.qml files in the qml dir be deployed automatically (handled in plugins.pri).