apply passive viewing paradigm in monkey logic
install NIMH Monkey Logic at
If you are using AO, install instrument controll toolbox and jsonlab before running modify your image vaults in pv_userloop, load condition file in main menu and run! if you don't have a AO or OE connected to ML PC through a network switcher, please set DeviceFreeMode=1 in userloop function\
change select_dataset.m to select_xml.m, which allows adding datasets during experiment with NAS
change progress calculation, such that we can judge which image was fixated so we can select image to show in the next trial
add TTL version of OnOffMarker to tell online system about eye location info which make eventcode clear
first successful session for ePhys
replace TCP transfer to a share folder method to send message to Online system
refine training paradigm
add training paradigm
add example data
add movie viewing dataset
add single phonton paradigm
add fmri localizer dataset
add trigger val and example design matrix
Separated the experiments (AO or OE) into different folders.
Implemented the use of relative paths for images.
Add a network example for WKS, add movie viewing function
add zeromq functions
Implemented the webwrite function for OE
show example image categories
add category info for OE
Introduced a new paradigm where images are presented only when the monkey is fixating.
Add eye info and eye correction
Fixed dataset index and on-off marker.
Removed the online app.
In the user loop file, you need to declare the images that will be presented during the experiment. You should tell which folders you want to use as image vault. Please see example of FOB_example.
root_dirs = {'Z:\Monkey\Stimuli', 'D:\Img_vault'};
LooseHold is an adapter that achieves a state of success permanently once fixation is maintained for a certain duration. This would lead RewardScheduler deliver reward permanently even if the first successful fixation is broken afterwards. To solve this, we have rewritten the RealTimeLooseHold adapter to allow for real-time state changes.
We have made modifications to the imagechanger adapter and renamed it as MyImagechanger. The purpose of this modification is to incorporate zeromq functions after the onset of any image. In the current configuration, the category information is sent to the OpenEphys GUI.
We have make a TTL version of OnOffMarker so we can send TTLs to AO once eye-signal is within or out-of fixation window. This allows online system to judge which trial should be used for analysis. TTL avoids occupying eventcodes.
These rewritten adapters are stored in the util folder. To utilize them, you need to include them in your timing script. Refer to the provided example and make necessary modifications accordingly.