Minimum Information about Data AnalysiS: Authoring Tool in Rmarkdown Here are the instructions to use this R Markdown authoring template.
- Go to the GitHub repository:
- Click the “clone or download” button on the right hand side of the page and download the folder as a zip file.
- Download latest version of R Studio if you do not have it.
- Open the folder and open the MIDAS.rmd file in R studio.
- Start editing and writing the report of your data analysis guided by the questions in green directly inside the MIDAS.rmd file.
- After the pretreatment, univariate analysis, unsupervised analysis and supervised analysis sections have been completed the next section is to produce workflow diagrams.
- Follow the instructions in green to produce a workflow diagram of pretreatment steps.
- Click on the knit button and knit to HTML to see how the generated report looks.
- Knit to PDF or Word to render the report to a pdf or word document as you wish.
- PDF and Word reports will not contain the diagrams so these need to be saved in the viewer pane as an image (JPG /BMP etc) to your local folder
- Insert the workflow diagrams into your Word or PDF report that you have saved to your local folder.
- Render the document to HTML and workflow diagrams will be included anyway.