Are you setting up your first Kubernetes cluster on CentOS 7 and want to borrow ideas to create your own perfect ansible script? Then this repository is for you!
Here we have a small collection of not-perfect ansible scripts to setup a k8s master and k8s nodes.
These scripts make a few assumptions:
Ansible is installed on some machine not in the cluster
There are 3+ nodes for the cluster using near-virgin install of CentOS 7 using static IP addresses
One CentOS 7 install for the kubernetes master
One or more CentOS 7 install for the kubernetes nodes
You’re expected to read and understand these scripts
You’re expected to change the scripts to suit your needs
You’re expected to read the doc pages for all kubernetes commands used in the playbooks (hah, just kidding)
First copy k8s-cluster.template
as k8s-cluster
and modify it to house the hosts used in the cluster.
The ansible scripts create user centos with password kubernetes for use in the cluster. Change the password using mkpasswd --method=sha-512 and updating the ansible scripts.
Next use ansible to provision the cluster. It is split out into three steps for clarity.
ansible-playbook -i k8s-cluster step-1-install-dependencies.yaml
ansible-playbook -i k8s-cluster step-2-cluster-init.yaml
ansible-playbook -i k8s-cluster step-3-nodes-join-cluster.yaml
Next setup tooling to get insight into what is going on with the cluster:
kubectl apply -f "$(kubectl version | base64 | tr -d '\n')"
Fantastic tool to see cpu, memory, hosts, images, pods, controllers/services, processes, everything about the cluster status.
TODO try some others, especially one-stop logging for debugging