Stack-based language, like forth.
The following tools for the Aaa language can be found is this repo
- A parser for Aaa.
- A type checker
- A transpiler to Rust
- A VS Code extension for the Aaa language.
- A lot of tests, written both in python and Aaa
cd python
# Run the obligatory hello world example
pdm run ./ run 'fn main { "Hello world\n" . }'
# Run code from a file. Implements the famous fizzbuzz interview question.
pdm run ./ run examples/
# Run bare-bones HTTP server in Aaa
pdm run ./ run examples/
# Send request from different shell
curl http://localhost:8080
# Run tests written in Aaa
pdm run ./ test .
# Run tests written in Python
pdm run pytest
- elementary types (
) - container types (
) - type checking
- branching, loops (
) - multi-file support (
) - upcoming
The name of this language is just the first letter of the Latin alphabet repeated three times. When code in this language doesn't work, its meaning becomes an abbreviation.
All these commands should be run from the root of this repository.
This project requires python 3.12.1 or newer. Consider using pyenv.
# Download python 3.12.1
pyenv install 3.12.1
# Use it in this project
pyenv local 3.12.1
This project also requires rust, see instructions here on how to install.
After you setup rust and python, run the following commands.
# Install dependencies
pdm install
# Tell Aaa where the standard library lives
export AAA_STDLIB_PATH=$(pwd)/stdlib
# Run hello world program
pdm run ./ run 'fn main { "Hello world\n" . }'
# Run tests
pdm run pytest
pdm run ./ test .
# Setup pre-commit hooks
pdm run pre-commit install
Now you can start running code in Aaa or develop the language!
To enable syntax highlighting for VS Code, enable the Aaa language extension
After watching part of the Youtube series on porth, I wanted to make my own stack-based language. Aaa and porth have some similarities, but obviously are not compatible with each other. No code was copied over from the porth repo.