This project was created as a part of the end degree project Automatic identification of possible deficiencies in the introduction of requirements
in collaboration with Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona.
The service analyze the requirements in natural language and return a deficiencies found.
The service has the aim to allow the extensibility as one of the pillars in order to add more functionality.
REQ-QA is based on Java Spring Boot and use Maven.
Create a maven module and implements IRequirementExternalService interface extending to RequirementExternalService.
The core engine will call all the services that implements the interface and aggregates the results.
- Install Docker (->
- OpenReq - Improving Requirements Quality docker running, see installation instructions.
mvn clean install -DSkipTest
docker build -t reqqa .
docker run -p 8089:8089 -e "JAVA_OPTS=-Dopenreq.baseUrl=http://host.docker.internal:9799" reqqa
There are a core API to use (/analyze), see swagger documentation
There is a form web page to use as well.
In order to operate with Taiga, there are a previous configuration that has to be done:
- Install Taiga local with docker or use an existing Taiga server.
- Create a custom field named 'quality' by default as a Rich text.
- Configure a WebHook (Integrations->Webhook) with the url: http://host.docker.internal:8089/taiga/webhook and a secret.
When run the docker image, send the configured parameters as:
- taiga.baseUrl: the url of Taiga server
- taiga.secret: secret key configured in Taiga for the webhook
- taiga.customFieldName: custom field name, by default "quality"
- taiga.username: username in Taiga used to modify the issues
- taiga.password: password for the user in Taiga
docker run -p 8089:8089 -e "JAVA_OPTS=-Dopenreq.baseUrl=http://host.docker.internal:9799 -Dtaiga.baseUrl=http://host.docker.internal:9000 -Dtaiga.customFieldName=mycustomfield -Dtaiga.username=username -Dtaiga.password=password" reqqa