- 👀 I’m working in software development, currently on web development, I used to work as Flutter developer on a junior level, but now i want to be a great front-back end developer. Initially I started as FrontEnd developer using basic tools as HTML, CSS and JS. Then I got a job as Junior Dev using React, after some time I needed to learn Mobile App development so I choose Flutter because It seems easy to learn and so usefull.
- 🌱 I’m currently getting better at React, after almost a year working as FrontEnd dev using Vue. I started to increasing my skills with React as It is the most popular front-end library with JS.
- 💞️ I’m looking for a great job being a competitive developer
- 📫 How to reach me sony_s07@hotmail.es or +51950368711
- As you see I have a lot of repositories. I have all those because once I started a new project or practice something new I just create a new repository. I have from basic stuff to large complicated projects that I can't share by privacy reasons.
- Currenlty I almost finish Henry Bootcamp to be an Full Stack Developer using PERN stack.
- I develop a full-functional social network along my bootcamp teammates called SocialN that let you share content as text-post, images, chat with other users, video-calls and more simular stuff. Visit it here https://www.socialn.me/
A platform similar to twitter or facebook that allows you to interact with people sharing post, comment or react to them, also you can use live-chat or video-call without pay a penny. Also you can get a Premium subscription to get only-premium features.
React, Redux Toolkit, Socket.io, Typescript, MongoDB, Mongoose, Node js, Express, Tailwind CSS, Passport, Json Web Token
UI/UX Design , building components, Project Managing, Nodemailer, TailwindCSS integration and use and more stuff.