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Elo chess tracker

A small web page to keep track of Elo ratings of chess players of a club.

Note: versions newer than 24.12 are not compatible with older versions.


Now follow instructions to explain how to install the webpage.

Install all dependencies first

  • nodejs and npm

    • Option 1: via apt

      $ sudo apt install npm
      $ sudo apt install nodejs
    • Option 2: via nvm

      As explained in this Stack Overflow answer install first nvm

      $ curl -o- | bash

      and then install nodejs using nvm. The version to install has to be 14.17 or newer as per the TypeScript documentation. The list of versions available can be checked with the command

      $ nvm ls-remote

      To install version v22.12.0 (which is an LTS version), run the following command

      $ nvm install 22.12.0

      This command will install nodejs automatically.

    To check what version of nvm you have installed on your system run the command

    $ nvm list

    This shows that multiple versions of nvm can be installed in the system.

    To check what version of npm you have installed on your system, run the command

    $ npm --version
  • typescript. You may need superuser privileges (sudo) to install it.

    $ npm install -g typescript
  • ts-node. You may need superuser privileges (sudo) to install it.

    $ npm install -g ts-node
  • esbuild . You may need superuser privileges (sudo) to install it.

    $ npm install -g --save-exact --save-dev esbuild

Install all packages required to run the website

First, clone this repository and navigate to its directory. For example

$ cd
$ git clone
$ cd elo-chess-tracker

Then install the required packages for elo-chess-tracker with

$ npm install

Keeping all packages up to date

The packages installed in the commands above are surely going to be updated regularly. To check which need to be updated run

$ npm outdated

In order to update all outdated packages, run the command

$ npm update

This command needs not be run inside the directory for elo-chess-tracker.

Compile the source code

Run the following command to turn all typescript source files into javascript source files.

$ build/

Prepare the website

Initialize the database

First, in the root directory of the repository, initialize the sample database and system configuration file with the following command

$ ./

This will prompt you to create a self-signed SSL certificate. Fill in the fields with the appropriate data. The script will set any necessary files in the configuration.json file.

The database generated will have the following directory structure:

├── configuration.json
├── database
│   ├── challenges
│   ├── games
│   ├── graphs
│   └── users
│       └── admin
├── icons
│   ├── favicon.png
│   ├── home.png
│   └── login.png
└── ssl
    ├── server.cert
    └── server.key

The directory webpage can be renamed with any name. The default users in the database are the following:

Username | Password | Role
admin    | "admin"  | Admin

The actual passwords do not include the quote characters "; they are only used here as delimiters. Yes, passwords include spaces. Usernames correspond to famous chess players. Some of the passwords are quotes attributed to their corresponding chess player, other passwords are quotes attributed to different famous chess players.

Edit the configuration file

Edit the configuration file webpage/configuration.json appropriately. This file contains the following fields

	"ssl_certificate": {
		"public_key_file": "server.cert",
		"private_key_file": "server.key",
		"passphrase_file": ""
	"ports": {
		"http": "8080",
		"https": "8443"

	"favicon": "favicon.png",
	"login_page": {
		"title": "Login into My Chess Club",
		"icon": "login.png"
	"home_page": {
		"title": "My Chess Club",
		"icon": "home.png"

	"rating_system": "Elo",

	"time_controls": [ ],

	"permissions": {
		"admin": [ ],
		"teacher": [ ],
		"member": [ ],
		"student": [ ]

The configuration file can be edited at any time, even after the website has been used for some time. For the modifications to take effect, the server has to be reset.

HTTP and HTTPS ports

These are st by default to 8080 for HTTP and to 8443 for HTTPS. Change them to whichever ports you like if these do not suit your needs. This step is optional, and so you can leave the default port configuration as is.

Icons and titles

Write the names of the icons and titles of the sections of your webpage:

  • favicon: this is a small icon (typically, 48x48) that shows up in the tab of a desktop's internet browser.
  • login_page: this is the icon that shows up in the login page of your site. The title field is the title of login page as well.
  • home_page: this is the icon that shows up in the home page of your site. The title field is the title of home page as well.

Rating system

Currently, this project only implements Elo's rating system (see this section of lichess for further information on rating systems used by chess websites and chess federations).

Time controls

This webpage admits an unlimited number of time controls, where each time control has a unique rating associated to it. A time control is identified with an id (an arbitrary string, never shown to users), but can have many different names. For example, administrators of the site can configure a Classical time control by adding the following text inside time_controls field.

	"id": "Classical",
	"name": "Classical (90 + 30)"

Players will have to play their games with time control 90 + 30. But, optionally, administrators of the site can also add a "faster" classical time control, like so

	"id": "Classical",
	"name": "Classical (90 + 30)"
	"id": "Classical",
	"name": "Classical (30 + 30)"

If two players play two games, first with time control 90 + 30 and immediately afterwards another game with time control 30 + 30 the result of both games will affect the same rating because both time controls are associated to the same id, in this case Classical.

User permissions

Note: the configuration file created by the script already provides permissions for each user type. These can be modified at any time.

The site implements four different roles a user can have. To each role we can associate a series of actions that a user with said role can perform. All roles implemented are

  • admin
  • member
  • teacher
  • student

Available actions are

  • Creation of users:

    • create_user
  • Assignment of roles to another user

    • assign_role_admin
    • assign_role_teacher
    • assign_role_member
    • assign_role_student
  • Edition of users: to be able to edit user's information, except for passwords and ratings.

    • edit_admin
    • edit_teacher
    • edit_member
    • edit_student
  • Creation of games: to be able to create games between pairs of players. This is restricted to players of specific roles.

    • create_games_admin
    • create_games_teacher
    • create_games_member
    • create_games_student
  • Edition of a user's game: to change the result of a game.

    • edit_games_admin
    • edit_games_teacher
    • edit_games_member
    • edit_games_student
  • See another user's games.

    • see_games_admin
    • see_games_teacher
    • see_games_member
    • see_games_student
  • Challenge other users to a game.

    • challenge_admin
    • challenge_member
    • challenge_teacher
    • challenge_student

Running the website

Once the configuration file has been properly edited, now we can run the website. To do so, use one of the following commands (we recommend using the last one)

$ node ./js-source/app_main.js configuration-file /path/to/configuration.json
$ DEBUG=ELO_TRACKER:* nodemon ./js-source/app_main.js configuration-file /path/to/configuration.json
$ DEBUG=ELO_TRACKER:* npm run devstart configuration-file /path/to/configuration.json

Access the website from a local network

From the localhost

To access the site from the same computer the webpage it is running on, open a web browser and type in the address one of the following two options:


The 8080 and 8443 are the default ports. Change them here if you changed them in the configuration.json file.

From any other machine

To access the webpage from a different machine, one has to first find out the IP address of the machine the webpage is running on. For this, run the command

$ hostname -I

This will output the local IP address. For example,

To access the webpage from a different machine, open a web browser and type in

This address is the same for all other machines. Remember to use the right https port you set in the configuration.json file.

Adding new users

To log into the site for the first time, use the default admin user admin. Its password is admin. Then, create a new "Admin" user with a different username and password. Give that user a proper first and last names. Then, log out of the website, stop the server process, and then remove the admin file from the database. This will leave the site with a single user, the one you have just created.


Small website to track Elo ratings within a chess club







No packages published
