This project required me to create an asynchronous web app that uses Web API and user data to dynamically update the UI. The API that was used for this app is the Open Weather Data API.
To use the app, you are required to have nodejs on your desktop, as this file runs express. In the file's terminal, you'll have to run
node server.js
This will give you the localhost number which should be: 8000. In your browser, while the terminal is running, enter
It should display this:
When you enter the zip code (US only) and your feelings, that data should be held onto the server. And when you generate another entry, the latest entry which was previously inputted, should be displayed under "Most Recent Entry".
I used a starter code provided by Udacity - Link to the starter code
This starter project has some HTML and CSS styling to display a static version of the Weather Journal App and some pre-written Javascript to get me started.