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Similar applications

kshiga edited this page Sep 13, 2013 · 4 revisions

Allows the user to choose a favorite between two Pokémon until one remains. This idea of choosing until you have a favorite could be similar to finding a favorite product from a list of products.

Users rate which girl is "hotter". Ranking algorithm originated from vvv

(Ok, not an app but...) the most famous technique for rating chess players.

A product review site with a social component... or at least it was five years ago. Currently it is the parent company of several coupon sites, but more research to be done on Sazze's previous concept.

The number 44 app on Spotify. Users are given a song to listen to, and rate it as a hit or not. As songs are rated, users gain points and badges. Users also have the option of hearing a random song, or hearing one from a specific genre (similar to choosing between random products and a certain type of product). Choices are broadcasted to facebook, and the app will notify you of what your friends are rating as a "hit" or a "not".

Not really an app either, but Buzzfeed features staff and user created ranked lists about a variety of different topics. These lists themselves can trend, and using either Facebook credentials or an account, users can categorize lists as LOL, win, omg, cute, trashy, epic, wtf, ew, drab, fab, fail.