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Fresh VPS LNbits V1 Install with Phoenixd and URL/HTTPS

Creates a fresh LNbits install, with Phoenixd (self-custodial, super-easy "managed" node) and url/https (using Caddy) on a VPS.

Head on over to and Create a VM. I always use 2nd to cheapest, but cheapest will do. Pick Ubuntu 24.04 64-bit (template).

SSH into your VPS

You usually need to wait 10mins while the VPS provisions, so get the VPS then put the kettle on. With your cuppa ssh into the VPS.

ssh ubuntu@<THE VPS IP>

Copy across the password from the VPS on lunanode.

Installing LNbits

Create a screen for LNbits

screen -S lnbits

Fetch/install latest LNbits Appimage

sudo apt-get install libfuse2
wget $(curl -s | jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name | endswith(".AppImage")) | .browser_download_url') -O LNbits-latest.AppImage
chmod +x LNbits-latest.AppImage
./LNbits-latest.AppImage --host --port 5000

Exit the screen

ctrl + a + d

Installing Phoenixd

Create a screen for Phoenixd

screen -S phoenixd

Copy the link of the latest from


Fetch and run Phoenixd.

sudo apt-get install unzip
unzip <phoenixd version you fetched>.zip
chmod +x <phoenixd version you fetched>/phoenixd
./<phoenixd version you fetched>/phoenixd

Read the disclaimers and type I understand a bunch.

Once Phoenixd is running exit the screen

ctrl + a + d

Copy seed/key

Copy the seed.

cat .phoenix/seed.dat

Copy the key.

cat .phoenix/phoenix.conf

Setup DNS

Create DNS A record to your servers IP. image

Install Caddy

sudo apt install -y debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring apt-transport-https curl
curl -1sLf '' | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/caddy-stable-archive-keyring.gpg
curl -1sLf '' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/caddy-stable.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install caddy

Close caddy

sudo caddy stop

Create Caddfile

sudo nano Caddyfile

Add this to the Caddyfile.

<your url> {

ctrl + s to save, then ctrl + x to exit. Run caddy (it will use your Caddyfile).

sudo caddy start

Go to your url, create the Super-User, add your key to the LNbits funding source, hit restart button.

Phoenixd requires 20ksats sent in before outgoing payments are possible.

Profit 🚀

Useful screen commands:

  • Create a screen: screen -S <screen name>
  • List all screens: screen -ls
  • Attach to a screen: screen -r <screen name>
  • Detach from screen: ctrl + a + d
  • If you end up outside of a locked screen: screen -d <screen name>