Creates a fresh LNbits install, with Phoenixd (self-custodial, super-easy "managed" node) and url/https (using Caddy) on a VPS.
Head on over to and Create a VM
. I always use 2nd to cheapest, but cheapest will do. Pick Ubuntu 24.04 64-bit (template)
You usually need to wait 10mins while the VPS provisions, so get the VPS then put the kettle on. With your cuppa ssh into the VPS.
ssh ubuntu@<THE VPS IP>
Copy across the password from the VPS on lunanode.
Create a screen for LNbits
screen -S lnbits
Fetch/install latest LNbits Appimage
sudo apt-get install libfuse2
wget $(curl -s | jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name | endswith(".AppImage")) | .browser_download_url') -O LNbits-latest.AppImage
chmod +x LNbits-latest.AppImage
./LNbits-latest.AppImage --host --port 5000
Exit the screen
ctrl + a + d
Create a screen for Phoenixd
screen -S phoenixd
Copy the link of the latest
Fetch and run Phoenixd.
sudo apt-get install unzip
unzip <phoenixd version you fetched>.zip
chmod +x <phoenixd version you fetched>/phoenixd
./<phoenixd version you fetched>/phoenixd
Read the disclaimers and type I understand
a bunch.
Once Phoenixd is running exit the screen
ctrl + a + d
Copy the seed.
cat .phoenix/seed.dat
Copy the key.
cat .phoenix/phoenix.conf
Create DNS A
record to your servers IP.
sudo apt install -y debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring apt-transport-https curl
curl -1sLf '' | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/caddy-stable-archive-keyring.gpg
curl -1sLf '' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/caddy-stable.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install caddy
Close caddy
sudo caddy stop
Create Caddfile
sudo nano Caddyfile
Add this to the Caddyfile.
<your url> {
ctrl + s
to save, then ctrl + x
to exit.
Run caddy (it will use your Caddyfile).
sudo caddy start
Go to your url, create the Super-User, add your key to the LNbits funding source, hit restart button.
Phoenixd requires 20ksats sent in before outgoing payments are possible.
Profit 🚀
- Create a screen:
screen -S <screen name>
- List all screens:
screen -ls
- Attach to a screen:
screen -r <screen name>
- Detach from screen:
ctrl + a + d
- If you end up outside of a locked screen:
screen -d <screen name>