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Ben Weeks edited this page Oct 5, 2024 · 4 revisions
Issue Resolution
The NV10USB+ cash collector is not accepting notes
  1. Ensure that your connections are sound (especially if soldering) and connected correctly (note the differences between pin connector numbers and GPIO).
  2. If you connect the screen (WT32-SC01) to the board with a ribbon (rather than directly), confirm if it is a cross-over cable. Cross-over cables switch the top and bottom rows of connectors. With the pin arrangement of power, the cash collector will power on (which may deceive you), but your SIO commands will fail. NB You can use a cross-over cable with the LNbits board by soldering the connectors to the top instead of the underside (good luck trying to un-solder and re-solder, though!).
  3. Confirm whether you connect the NV10USB+ to the board using a cross-over cable. If you use a cross-over cable, you must solder the pins to the board's underside.
  4. Confirm the cable is connected the right way round (power cables are to the right/front of the NV10USB+).
  5. Ensure the device is not in programming mode (LEDs should be on when powered). Hold the red button for 5 seconds, and the LEDs should be lit at the front. NB They will not be lit if Start state is not enabled either.
  6. Ensure that the NV10USB+ is set to SIO simple serial. If you double-click the red button, you should get only 7 flashes (refer to page 31 in the NV10 operations manual). For example, if you get 7-2 flashes, the device has a high-speed baud rate, and the code needs to be updated from 300 to 9600. If you get 7-2-1 flashes, startup is disabled, and you must re-program it using a programming cable. When re-programming using (the rather buggy) ITL Validator Programmer, you should have the following options (paying particular attention to the items in bold):
    • Channel Inhibits: None
    • Credit card rejection: Off
    • Disable After Escrow: Off
    • Escrow Timeout: On
    • High Speed Baud*: Off
    • Internal Bezel: On
    • PSU Monitor*: On
    • Serial Output Only*: Off
    • Stacker Retry Time*: 0
    • Start State: On

How do I get a programming cable for the NV10USB+? Reach out to sales at Innovative Technology (not available online). For some unknown reason, we still needed to purchase a cross-over cable (a 16-pin [8 x 2 row] 2.54-pitch female-to-female ribbon) despite being sent a whole bunch of unneeded cables.
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