a python script that uses selenium to automate the installation of all my semester course materials into organized folders from the BUE elearning website
if you are a BUE student you can use it by installing the required packages...which is just selenium for now lol you have to have an account then modify the script by going to main.py and modifying the directory_path and the payload variable otherwise it wouldnt work =)
quick note: the payload variable has the username and password the script will use to log in
almost forgot you should also have chrome and install a chrome driver witht the same version as your chrome browser you can check your chrome version by searching in chrome::version
disclamer!: my code is horrible i know lol, didn't bother cleaning it up after everything worked
python used: python 3.12.0
python packages installed: selenium 3.141.0
requirments: chrome browser chrome driver