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1Core AVR C/C++ CI

Embedded core written in C for AVR devices based on layered architecture with full integration of FreeRTOS kernel.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


You'll need one of the following tools installed on your machine:

You'll also need git to be installed on your machine.


You'll need to do the following:

  • clone the repo to your local machine using: git clone
  • create new project in your IDE.
  • add your project root directory to compiler include path (in project toolchain settings).
  • add the three main folders from cloned repo folder to the project: app, hal, rtos.
  • scale down the layers according to the size of your application by removing unwanted modules (if you are using RTOS, modify the following file: rtos_config.h) - see Project Contents.
  • remove unwanted modules simply by removing their folders in the rtos, ecu and mcu layer - see Project Layout.
  • after removing unwanted modules from the project, rebuild the project to check that no errors are thrown by the preprocessor or the linker.

Notice: if using Eclipse IDE, you must add the following line in linker's "other arguments" field: -Wl,--gc-sections

Project Contents

The project contains the following software layers:

  • RTOS layer
  • Service Layer
  • Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) which is then divided into: mcu layer and ecu layer

The RTOS layer contains:

  • FreeRTOS kernel V10.2.1
  • complmentary APIs like tasks, coroutines, queue, etc.

The Service layer contains:

  • common functions like map
  • common header files like std_types.h

The ecu layer contains:

  • Distance APIs/drivers - Ultrasonic HC-SR04
  • Character LCD API/driver - HD44780 controller
  • Graphical LCD API/driver - ST7920 controller
  • Keypad matrix API/driver
  • RTCC API/driver - DS1307/DS3231 controller
  • Servo API/driver

The mcu layer contains:

  • softreset API - software reset using watchdog timer
  • pwmin API - frequency and pulse width measurment
  • dac API - PWM output using timers' fast pwm mode
  • ac driver - analog comparator
  • adc driver - analog digital converter
  • gpio driver - digital I/O with external interrupts
  • spi driver - serial peripheral interface
  • timer driver - 8-bit timers TIMER0 and TIMER2
  • timer16 driver - 16-bit timers TIMER1
  • twi driver - two wire interface (I2C bus)
  • usart driver - serial interface (USB,RS232)
  • wdt driver - watchdog timer

Project Layout

    │   ├───config
    │   └───examples
    │       ├───include
    │       └───source
    │   ├───ddp
    │   │   └───avr8
    │   │       └───mega
    │   │           └───m16
    │   │               ├───ac
    │   │               ├───adc
    │   │               ├───gpio
    │   │               ├───spi
    │   │               ├───timer
    │   │               ├───timer16
    │   │               ├───twi
    │   │               ├───usart
    │   │               └───wdt
    │   ├───ecu
    │   │   ├───display
    │   │   │   ├───glcd
    │   │   │   │   ├───api
    │   │   │   │   ├───common
    │   │   │   │   └───driver
    │   │   │   │       └───ST7920
    │   │   │   └───lcd
    │   │   │       ├───api
    │   │   │       ├───common
    │   │   │       └───driver
    │   │   │           └───HD44780
    │   │   ├───distance
    │   │   │   └───ultrasonic
    │   │   │       ├───api
    │   │   │       ├───common
    │   │   │       └───driver
    │   │   │           └───HC-SR04
    │   │   ├───keypad
    │   │   ├───rtcc
    │   │   │   ├───api
    │   │   │   ├───common
    │   │   │   └───driver
    │   │   │       └───DS3231
    │   │   └───servo
    │   └───mcu
    │       ├───api
    │       │   ├───dac
    │       │   ├───pwmin
    │       │   └───softreset
    │       ├───peripheral
    │       ├───startup
    │       └───sys
    │   ├───config
    │   ├───include
    │   └───source

Built With

  • Atmel Studio 7 - The official AVR IDE (for the AVR parts of the code)
  • Eclipse Embedded CDT - 2021 - 03
  • avr-gcc V5.4 - GNU AVR C compiler
  • Make - auto-generated makefile

Tested With

ATmega16 running at 16MHZ (external crystal oscillator)

Fuse configuration:

  • Lfuse: 0xFF
  • Hfuse: 0xC9
  • Lockbits: 0x3F


Loay Ashraf -


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


Credits goes to:

The FreeRTOS project -


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