A collection of enhancements & utilities for the Silverstripe CMS UserForms module.
These include:
- a shortcode with which to insert a user form into any content area;
- a form widget that presents a user form (requires silverstripe/widgets);
- various additional validations for existing form fields;
- various new form fields.
composer require "logicbrush/silverstripe-userforms-utils"
To use the form shortcode we insert [userform id="x"]
in a HTMLText area where
is the user form page ID.
By default the UserForms module CSS and Javascript requirements will be loaded
when using the shortcode. This can be turned off by setting the following in a
config file:
block_default_userforms_requirements: true
Upon installation, the form widget will be available for insertion into any sidebar area using the CMS interface.
You have the ability to customize display with the following options:
- Select a form - Choose the User Form page to be displayed.
- Introductory text - Specify arbitrary text that precedes the display of the form in the sidebar.
- Show form title? - Choose whether to display the title of the form page.
- Show form content? - Chose whether to display the content of the form page.
The maximum file size for a form fields will now be checked prior to submission. This is much more responsive for the user.
This module provides a selection of new field types to use with your user forms.
A field that utilizes the native HTML5 date
input type. This enables
browser-based input control and validation.
A field that provides a dropdown of all US States, including DC.
A field that collects a signature. Implemented using jSignature.