Releases: logicmonitor/lm-powershell-module
Releases · logicmonitor/lm-powershell-module
6.5 Release notes
Module Updates/Changes
- Set-LMDeviceDatasourceInstance: Added
parameter to control property update behavior. Defaults to "Replace" to match other property-related cmdlets. - Copy-LMDashboard: Added
parameter (hashtable) to override tokens when cloning dashboards. - Copy-Report: Now accepts a report object as a template for cloning. This enables customization of properties, resource scope, and other parameters before creating the copy.
- New-LMNetScan and Set-LMNetScan: Added
parameter that accepts a PSCustomObject to define scan scheduling. Maintains default manual scheduling when parameter is omitted.
New Cmdlets
- Remove-LMDeviceGroupProperty: Enables removal of device properties at the resource group level.
Bug Fixes
- Set-LMCollectorConfig: Resolved an issue where similar configuration paths could cause unintended multiple updates.
- Bug fix for Connect-LMAccount. -DisableConsoleLogging was incorrectly getting set when not specified.
Module Updates/Changes
- Write-LMHost has been removed entirely starting in this version and replaced with native Write-Information,Warning and Error cmdlets. If you would like to suppress the output of these cmdlets you can use the $InformationPreference, $DebugPreference and $WarningPreference variables. Additionally you can use the -DisableConsoleLogging switch on Connect-LMAccount to suppress Write-Information output.
- New/Updated Pester tests have been added to validate the module builds and ensure functionality for the following cmdlets:
- AccessGroup
- AppliesToFunction
- AppliesToSearch
- Device
- DeviceGroup
- NetScanGroup
- OpsNotes
- ReportGroup
- Users/Roles
- Website
- WebsiteGroup
New Cmdlets:
- New-LMAccessGroupMapping: This cmdlet will create a new access group mapping/unmapping based on specified module and accessgroups.
New Cmdlets:
- Get-LMLogSource: This cmdlet will retrieve data for specified LogSources.
- Remove-LMLogSource: This cmdlet will remove a specified LogSource.
- Test-LMAppliesToQuery: This cmdlet will retrieve the results for a specified AppliesToQuery string, similar to the Test AppliesTo button in the portal UI.
Updated Cmdlets:
- Export-LMLogicModule: Added support for LogSources.
- Get-LMAlert: Fixed incorrect type filter for EventSources. Issue #11
- New-LMOpsNote: Fixed bug causing device and website ID scopes to not be properly set. Issue #10
- Set-LMDeviceDatasourceInstanceAlertSetting: Fixed bug causing instance id lookup to fail when specifying instance name.
New Cmdlets:
- Get-LMAccessGroup: This cmdlet will retrieve data for specified LogicMonitor access groups. You can retrieve all access groups or limit the results using -Id, -Name or -Filter parameters.
- New-LMAccessGroup: This cmdlet creates a new LogicMonitor access group.
- Set-LMAccessGroup: This cmdlet updates an existing LogicMonitor access group.
- Remove-LMAccessGroup: This cmdlet removes a new LogicMonitor access group.
- Get-LMDeviceDatasourceInstanceAlertRecipients: Retrieves the alert recipients for a specific data point in a LogicMonitor device datasource instance.
- Remove-LMDeviceDatasourceInstanceGroup: Removes a LogicMonitor device datasource instance group.
- Set-LMDeviceDatasourceInstance: Updates a LogicMonitor device datasource instance.
Note: Access Groups are not available in all portals and needs to be enabled before any access group commands can be utilized.
Updated Cmdlets:
- Get-LMDeviceDatasourceList: Added aliases -DeviceId and -DeviceName to the -Id and -Name parameters to make them inline with other cmdlets.
- Get-LMDeviceDatasourceInstance: Added aliases -DeviceId and -DeviceName to the -Id and -Name parameters to make them inline with other cmdlets.
- Get-LMDeviceDatasourceInstanceAlertSetting: Added aliases -DeviceId and -DeviceName to the -Id and -Name parameters to make them inline with other cmdlets. Also fixed bug causing an issue when trying to retrieve instances with special characters in the name.
- Get-LMDeviceDatasourceInstanceGroup: Added aliases -DeviceId and -DeviceName to the -Id and -Name parameters to make them inline with other cmdlets.
- Remove-LMDeviceDatasourceInstance: Fixed bug that would prevent a datasource instance from being delete due to missing instance id.
New Cmdlets:
- Get-LMAWSAccountId: This cmdlet is used to retrieve the AWS Account ID associated with the LogicMonitor account.
- Get-LMConfigsourceUpdateHistory: This cmdlet retrieves the update history for a LogicMonitor configuration source. It can be used to get information about the updates made to a configuration source, such as the update reasons and the modules that were updated..
- Invoke-LMAWSAccountTest: This cmdlet will test for required permissions needed to add an AWS account to LogicMonitor.
Invoke-LMAWSAccountTest -ExternalId "123456" -AccountId "987654" -AccessId "AKI123" -AccessKey "abc123" -AssumedRoleARN "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyRole" -CheckedServices "EC2,S3,RDS" -GroupId 123
- Invoke-LMAzureAccountTest: This cmdlet will test for required permissions needed to add an Azure account to LogicMonitor.
Invoke-LMAzureAccountTest -ClientId "xxxxxxxx" -SecretKey "xxxxxxxx" -SubscriptionIds "xxxxxxxx"
- Invoke-LMAzureSubscriptionDiscovery: This cmdlet invokes the Azure subscription discovery process to return subscriptions for a specified client Id.
Invoke-LMAzureSubscriptionDiscovery -ClientId "xxxxxxxx" -SecretKey "xxxxxxxx" -TenantId "xxxxxxxx"
- Invoke-LMGCPAccountTest: This cmdlet will test for required permissions needed to add an GCP project to LogicMonitor.
Invoke-LMGCPAccountTest -ServiceAccountKey "service-account-key" -ProjectId "project-id"
Updated Cmdlets:
- Get-LMDatasourceUpdateHistory: Added custom object return type LogicMonitor.ModuleUpdateHistory.
- Set-LMDevice: Added additional parameter
to specify an auto balanced collector group.
New Cmdlets:
- Get-LMDeviceInstanceData: This cmdlet retrieves data for LogicMonitor device instances based on the specified parameters. The cmdlet can only retrieve data within the last 24 hours. You can use
to quickly get a list of instances for a particular device. - New-LMAlertEscalation: This cmdlet invokes an escalation for a LogicMonitor alert. It takes a -Ids parameter which is an array of alert ids to escalate.
- Get-LMAccessGroup: This cmdlet will retrieve data for specified LogicMonitor access groups. You can retrieve all access groups or limit the results using -Id, -Name or -Filter parameters.
Note: Access Groups are not available in all portals and needs to be enabled before any access group commands can be utilized.
Updated Cmdlets:
- Set-LMDeviceDatasourceInstanceAlertSetting: AlertForNoData, AlertClearTransitionInterval and AlertTransitionInterval parameters are now mandatory as a result of endpoint changes for LM APIv3. These values can now be set at instance and group level overrides and as a result must be specified when modifying alert thresholds.
- Set-LMDeviceGroupDatasourceAlertSetting: AlertForNoData, AlertClearTransitionInterval and AlertTransitionInterval parameters are now mandatory as a result of endpoint changes for LM APIv3. These values can now be set at instance and group level overrides and as a result must be specified when modifying alert thresholds.