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Open source Point of Sale Solution
PDF - Portuguese / English
- Visual Studio 2019 Community
- docs (Minimal Documentation)
libs (Reference Libs)
- fastreport (FastReport Dll Reference)
- xpo_14_1_5 (Xpo Dll Reference)
- logicpos (LogicPos Main Application)
- logicpos.datalayer (DataLayer Project)
logicpos.documentviewer (Document Viewer Project)
- logicpos.documentviewer (Document Viewer Window Project )
- logicpos.documentviewer.source (Document Viewer Library Project )
logicpos.financial (Financial Projects)
- logicpos.financial.console (Console Test Financial Project )
- logicpos.financial.library (Financial Library Project )
- logicpos.financial.service (Autoridade Tributária : WebService Financial Project )
- logicpos.financial.servicewcf(Autoridade Tributária : Windows Communication Foundation WebService Project )
logicpos.hardware (Hardware Projects )
- logicpos.printer.generic (Thermal Printer Base)
- logicpos.printer.genericlinux (Thermal Printer Linux)
- logicpos.printer.genericsocket (Thermal Printer Socket)
- logicpos.printer.genericusb (Thermal Printer Usb)
- logicpos.printer.genericwindows (Thermal Printer Windows)
logicpos.plugins (Plugins Projects and Plugin Implementations)
- logicpos.plugin.contracts (Plugin Contracts/Interfaces)
- logicpos.plugin.library (Plugin Main Library)
- Medsphere.Widgets (Draw Graphics Plugin)
plugins (Plugin Implementations)
acme (Sample Plugins)
- acme.softwarevendor.plugin (Sample Plugin SoftwareVendor Implementation)
acme (Sample Plugins)
- logicpos.resources (Resources Project)
- logicpos.shared (main Solution Shared Library Project)
others (Others)
- windowsruntime (Windows Runtime/GTK)
packages (NuGet Packages)
- LibUsbDotNet.2.2.8 (Used in Usb Hardware Devices)
- log4net.2.0.5 (Used in Log)
- MSBuild.Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.targets. (Required Dependency)
- MySql.Data.6.9.9 (MySql Connector)
- MySqlBackup.NET. (MySql Backup)
- Newtonsoft.Json.9.0.1 (Used in Json Serialization)
- System.Data.SQLite.Core.1.0.103 (Sqlite Dependency)
- Unofficial.Ionic.Zip. (Zip Dependency, used in Backups)
tools (Helper Tools)
- FastReport.Net (FastReports Runtime Designer) (FastReports Designer Runtime)
Install .NET 4.5 (If not already in system)
Install GTK Runtime others\windowsruntime\gtk-sharp-2.12.22.msi
Download Windows Runtime
(theme engine) to"c:\Program Files\GtkSharp\2.12\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\engines\"
(32bit)"c:\Program Files (x86)\GtkSharp\2.12\lib\gtk-2.0\2.10.0\engines\"
Open Visual Studio Community 2019
Open Solution
or Folder Source Folder -
Rebuild Solution
Rebuild Plugins ex
Set logicpos as Startup Project
Set application settings on App.config
Run logicpos project
To work with LogicPos we need a data store, currently we can use MySql Server, Miscrosoft SqlServer or Sqlite, bu technically we can use any data source comopatible with eXpressPersistent Objects™ (XPO)
> Note
To work with MySql Server or Miscrosoft SqlServer we need first to install server To Work With Sqlite we dont need to install anything Tip
### Recommended data sources:
and SqlServer
Configure LogicPos Database Connection
After we choose a data store we need to configure it in application config
Open and edit config logicpos\bin\Debug\logicpos.exe.config
## Option #1 : Mysql
To work with MySql we need to edit xpoConnectionString to connect to local or remote MySql Server Instance
<add key="databaseType" value="MySql" />
<add key="xpoConnectionString" value="XpoProvider=MySql;server=localhost;database={0};user id=root;password=PASSWORD;persist security info=true;CharSet=utf8;" />
Note For remote server change localhost with remote ip, for ex
## Option #2 : SqlServer
To work with SqlServer we need to edit xpoConnectionString to point to our SqlServer Server Instance
<add key="databaseType" value="MSSqlServer" />
<add key="xpoConnectionString" value="XpoProvider=MSSqlServer;Data Source=SERVER\sql2008;Initial Catalog={0};User ID=sa;Password=PASSWORD;Persist Security Info=true;" />
## Option #3 : SqlServer Express
To work with SqlServer Express we need to edit xpoConnectionString to point to our SqlServer Express Instance, the connection string is a little diferent
<add key="databaseType" value="MSSqlServer" />
<add key="xpoConnectionString" value="XpoProvider=MSSqlServer;Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog={0};User ID=username;Password=password;Persist Security Info=true;Integrated Security=SSPI;Pooling=false;" />
## Option #4 : Sqlite
<add key="databaseType" value="SQLite" />
<add key="xpoConnectionString" value="XpoProvider=MonoLite;uri=file:{0}.db" />
Notes Dont forget to change user id, password according your needs.