An implementation of DeepWalk and SkipGram models.
Hierarchical Softmax is implemented through building a binary tree (See file:
The packages used in this implementation is pymysql, numpy and dgl.
Please install the dependencies by running pip3 install -r requirements.txt
The DeepWalk model uses Skip-Gram from Word2Vec as its kernal algorithm. Therefore, the implementation of Skip-Gram is vital to our work. Here we give a customized version of Skip-Gram that is specifically designed for walks (node-index sequences) instead of word sequences.
The most formidable task is the implementation of Hierarchical Softmax, which is intended to reduce the overall computational complexity for calculating P(u_i|Phi(v_i)) from O(|V|) to O(log|V|), by conducting the calculation under a binary tree.
DeepWalk shows how to combine Random Walk on a graph with Skip-Gram algorithm. Each walk generated by Random Walk is a sequence of indexes of nodes in the graph, and it is put into Skip-Gram model to be used for calculation, where Phi and Psi is updated in this process by Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD).
In our implementation, the graph is implemented through a python package dgl. It is imported as follows.
from dgl import DGLGraph
And then use a series of operations to make an object G (DGLGraph object), which is then passed to DeepWalk for further computing.
By far we've only implemented a method to build graph from text file. For details, see
'p2p-Gnutella08.txt' is the data set we use during our testing.
You may code as follows.
from DeepWalk import DeepWalk
from Graphtools import Graphtools
deepwalk=DeepWalk(G,3, 30, 3, 10)
deepwalk(unit_iter=100, multiProcess=1, showLoss=True)
[1] Bryan Perozzi, Rami AI-Rfou, Steven, Skiena, DeepWalk- Online Learning of Social Representations, 2014.
Hi there, I am currently an undergraduate at Fudan University, majoring in Data Science. If you have any question, please file an issue or contact me by