A set of utilities brought together for the purpose of simplifying the building of User Interfaces. Built with a strong preference on web standards, simplicity and performance. We believe that the best way to achieve that is by using simpler tools that are more focused on the task at hand.
Nothing stops this from being used on a server-side rendered application, a static site generator, ReactJS, and react-native. It is built for both CJS and ESM environments. All modules are OK to work on the backend as well, so you can use them in NodeJS applications. Typings are first-class citizens, so you can use them in TypeScript applications.
This set of tools offers:
- A state manager with
- Type-safe states
- Time-travel your states
- Manipulate your states via reducers
- Listen for state changes
- Make child instance clones of your state manager
- A storage manager
- Type-safe storage
- LocalStorage or AsyncStorage
- Bring your own storage manager
- An event emitter with advanced capabilities
- Type-safe events
- Event spying for debugging
- Regex as event names
- I18n utilities
- Type-safe translations
- An advanced Fetch API wrapper
- Type-safe responses
- Request cancellation support
- Options modification before sending for advanced use cases such as HMAC signing
- Retry logic with exponential backoff
- A set of utilities for working with the DOM