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JuneRousseau committed Jul 7, 2024
1 parent 80e3a39 commit 27d0475
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Showing 2 changed files with 182 additions and 130 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion theories/logical_mapsto.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2385,7 +2385,7 @@ Notation "la ↦ₐ lw" := (mapsto (L:=LAddr) (V:=LWord) la (DfracOwn 1) lw) (at
Declare Scope LAddr_scope.
Delimit Scope LAddr_scope with la.

Notation eqb_laddr := (λ (a1 a2: LAddr), (Z.eqb a1.1 a2.1) && (a1.2 =? a2.2)).
Notation eqb_laddr := (λ (a1 a2: LAddr), (a1.1 =? a2.1)%a && (a1.2 =? a2.2)).
Notation "a1 =? a2" := (eqb_laddr a1 a2) : LAddr_scope.

Section machine_param.
Expand Down
310 changes: 181 additions & 129 deletions theories/rules/rules_Load.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -313,43 +313,70 @@ Section cap_lang_rules.
∗ (pc_a, pc_v) ↦ₐ{dq} lw
∗ r2 ↦ᵣ LCap p b e a v
∗ (if ((a, v) =? (pc_a, pc_v))%la then emp else (a, v) ↦ₐ{dq'} lw') }}}.
Proof. Admitted.
(* iIntros (Hinstr Hvpc [Hra Hwb] Hpca' φ) *)
(* "(>HPC & >Hi & >Hr1 & >Hr2 & Hr2a) Hφ". *)
(* iDestruct (map_of_regs_3 with "HPC Hr1 Hr2") as "[Hmap (%&%&%)]". *)

(* iDestruct (memMap_resource_2gen_clater_dq _ _ _ _ _ _ (λ la dq lw, la ↦ₐ{dq} lw)%I with "Hi Hr2a") as (lmem dfracs) "[>Hmem Hmem']". *)
(* iDestruct "Hmem'" as %[Hmem Hdfracs] ; cbn in *. *)

(* iApply (wp_load_general with "[$Hmap $Hmem]"); eauto; simplify_map_eq; eauto. *)
(* { by rewrite !dom_insert; set_solver+. } *)
(* { destruct ((a =? pc_a)%Z && (v =? pc_v)). by simplify_map_eq. } *)
(* { eapply mem_implies_allow_load_map; eauto. *)
(* destruct ((a =? pc_a)%Z && (v =? pc_v)) eqn:Heq ; simplify_map_eq; eauto. } *)
(* { destruct ((a =? pc_a)%Z && (v =? pc_v)); simplify_eq *)
(* ; subst ; rewrite !dom_insert_L;set_solver+. } *)
(* iNext. iIntros (regs' retv) "(#Hspec & Hmem & Hmap)". *)
(* iDestruct "Hspec" as %Hspec. *)

(* destruct Hspec as [ | * Hfail ]. *)
(* { (* Success *) *)
(* (* FIXME: fragile *) *)
(* destruct H5 as [Hrr2 _]. simplify_map_eq. *)
(* iDestruct (memMap_resource_2gen_d_dq with "[Hmem]") as "[Hpc_a Ha]"; cbn in *. *)
(* { iExists lmem,dfracs; iSplitL; eauto. *)
(* iPureIntro. Unshelve. 3: exact (a0, v0). 2: exact (pc_a, pc_v). *)
(* split ; eauto. *)
(* } *)
(* incrementLPC_inv. *)
(* pose proof (mem_implies_loadv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hmem H6) as Hloadv; eauto. *)
(* simplify_map_eq. *)
(* rewrite (insert_commute _ PC r1) // insert_insert (insert_commute _ r1 PC) // insert_insert. *)
(* iDestruct (regs_of_map_3 with "[$Hmap]") as "[HPC [Hr1 Hr2] ]"; eauto. *)
(* iApply "Hφ". iFrame. } *)
(* { (* Failure (contradiction) *) *)
(* destruct Hfail; try incrementLPC_inv; simplify_map_eq; eauto. *)
(* destruct o. all: congruence. } *)
(* Qed. *)
iIntros (Hinstr Hvpc [Hra Hwb] Hpca' φ)
"(>HPC & >Hi & >Hr1 & >Hr2 & Hr2a) Hφ".
iDestruct (map_of_regs_3 with "HPC Hr1 Hr2") as "[Hmap (%&%&%)]".

iDestruct (memMap_resource_2gen_clater_dq _ _ _ _ _ _ (λ la dq lw, la ↦ₐ{dq} lw)%I with "Hi Hr2a") as (lmem dfracs) "[>Hmem Hmem']".
iDestruct "Hmem'" as %[Hmem Hdfracs] ; cbn in *.

iApply (wp_load_general with "[$Hmap $Hmem]"); eauto; simplify_map_eq; eauto.
{ by rewrite !dom_insert; set_solver+. }
{ destruct ((a =? pc_a)%Z && (v =? pc_v)) eqn:Heq; simplify_eq;
rewrite prod_merge_insert;
by simplify_map_eq.
{ eapply mem_implies_allow_load_map with (pc_a := pc_a) (pca_v := pc_v) (lw := lw) (lw' := lw')
; eauto; last by simplify_map_eq.
destruct ((a =? pc_a)%Z && (v =? pc_v)) eqn:Heq
; simplify_eq
; by rewrite !prod_merge_insert prod_merge_empty_l !fmap_insert fmap_empty.
iNext. iIntros (regs' retv) "(#Hspec & Hmem & Hmap)".
iDestruct "Hspec" as %Hspec.

destruct Hspec as [ | * Hfail ].
{ (* Success *)
(* FIXME: fragile *)
destruct H5 as [Hrr2 _]. simplify_map_eq.
iDestruct (memMap_resource_2gen_d_dq with "[Hmem]") as "[Hpc_a Ha]"; cbn in *.
{ iExists lmem,dfracs; iSplitL; eauto.
iPureIntro. Unshelve. 3: exact (a0, v0). 2: exact (pc_a, pc_v).
split ; eauto.
assert (lmem !! (a0, v0) = Some loadv) as Hload.
{ destruct (decide ((a0 = pc_a) /\ (v0 = pc_v))) as [ [Heq_a Heq_v] |Heq]; subst.
- assert (((pc_a =? pc_a)%f && (pc_v =? pc_v)) = true) as Heq.
rewrite andb_true_iff ; split; [solve_addr | by rewrite Nat.eqb_refl].
rewrite Heq in Hmem, Hdfracs ; simplify_map_eq.
rewrite prod_merge_insert prod_merge_empty_l in H6.
by simplify_map_eq.
- rewrite not_and_r in Heq.
assert (((a0 =? pc_a)%f && (v0 =? pc_v)) = false) as Hneq.
rewrite andb_false_iff.
destruct Heq as [Hneq | Hneq]; [left;solve_addr|right;by rewrite Nat.eqb_neq].
assert ((pc_a,pc_v) ≠ (a0,v0)).
{ intro ; simplify_eq. destruct Heq ; congruence. }
rewrite Hneq in Hmem, Hdfracs ; simplify_map_eq.
rewrite !prod_merge_insert prod_merge_empty_l in H6.
by simplify_map_eq.
pose proof (mem_implies_loadv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hmem Hload) as Hloadv; eauto.
rewrite (insert_commute _ PC r1) // insert_insert (insert_commute _ r1 PC) // insert_insert.
iDestruct (regs_of_map_3 with "[$Hmap]") as "[HPC [Hr1 Hr2] ]"; eauto.
iApply "Hφ". iFrame. }
{ (* Failure (contradiction) *)
destruct Hfail; try incrementLPC_inv; simplify_map_eq; eauto.
destruct o. all: congruence. }

Lemma wp_load_success_notinstr Ep r1 r2 pc_p pc_b pc_e pc_a pc_v lw lw'
lw'' p b e a v pc_a' dq dq':
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -434,44 +461,69 @@ Section cap_lang_rules.
∗ r1 ↦ᵣ (if ((a =? pc_a)%Z && (v =? pc_v)) then lw else lw')
∗ (pc_a, pc_v) ↦ₐ{dq} lw
∗ (if ((a =? pc_a)%Z && (v =? pc_v)) then emp else (a, v) ↦ₐ{dq'} lw') }}}.
Proof. Admitted.
(* iIntros (Hinstr Hvpc Hra Hwb Hpca' φ) *)
(* "(>HPC & >Hi & >Hr1 & Hr1a) Hφ". *)
(* iDestruct (map_of_regs_2 with "HPC Hr1") as "[Hmap %]". *)
(* iDestruct (memMap_resource_2gen_clater_dq _ _ _ _ _ _ (λ la dq lw, la ↦ₐ{dq} lw)%I with "Hi Hr1a") as *)
(* (lmem dfracs) "[>Hmem Hmem']". *)
(* iDestruct "Hmem'" as %[Hmem Hfracs]. *)

(* iApply (wp_load_general with "[$Hmap $Hmem]"); eauto; simplify_map_eq; eauto. *)
(* { by rewrite !dom_insert; set_solver+. } *)
(* { destruct ((a =? pc_a)%Z && (v =? pc_v)); by simplify_map_eq. } *)
(* { eapply mem_implies_allow_load_map; eauto. *)
(* destruct ((a =? pc_a)%Z && (v =? pc_v)) eqn:Heq ; simplify_map_eq; eauto. } *)
(* { destruct ((a =? pc_a)%Z && (v =? pc_v)); simplify_eq *)
(* ; subst ; rewrite !dom_insert_L;set_solver+. } *)
(* iNext. iIntros (regs' retv) "(#Hspec & Hmem & Hmap)". *)
(* iDestruct "Hspec" as %Hspec. *)

(* destruct Hspec as [ | * Hfail ]. *)
(* { (* Success *) *)
(* iApply "Hφ". *)
(* destruct H3 as [Hrr2 _]. simplify_map_eq. *)
(* iDestruct (memMap_resource_2gen_d_dq with "[Hmem]") as "[Hpc_a Ha]"; cbn in *. *)
(* { iExists lmem,dfracs; iSplitL; eauto. *)
(* iPureIntro. Unshelve. 3: exact (a0, v0). 2: exact (pc_a, pc_v). *)
(* split ; eauto. *)
(* } *)
(* incrementLPC_inv. *)
(* pose proof (mem_implies_loadv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hmem H4) as Hloadv; eauto. *)
(* simplify_map_eq. *)
(* rewrite (insert_commute _ PC r1) // insert_insert (insert_commute _ r1 PC) // insert_insert. *)
(* iDestruct (regs_of_map_2 with "[$Hmap]") as "[HPC Hr1]"; eauto. iFrame. *)
(* (* destruct ((a0 =? x2)%Z && (v0 =? x3)); iFrame. *) *)
(* } *)
(* { (* Failure (contradiction) *) *)
(* destruct Hfail; try incrementLPC_inv; simplify_map_eq; eauto. *)
(* destruct o. all: congruence. } *)
(* Qed. *)
iIntros (Hinstr Hvpc Hra Hwb Hpca' φ)
"(>HPC & >Hi & >Hr1 & Hr1a) Hφ".
iDestruct (map_of_regs_2 with "HPC Hr1") as "[Hmap %]".
iDestruct (memMap_resource_2gen_clater_dq _ _ _ _ _ _ (λ la dq lw, la ↦ₐ{dq} lw)%I with "Hi Hr1a") as
(lmem dfracs) "[>Hmem Hmem']".
iDestruct "Hmem'" as %[Hmem Hfracs].

iApply (wp_load_general with "[$Hmap $Hmem]"); eauto; simplify_map_eq; eauto.
{ by rewrite !dom_insert; set_solver+. }
{ destruct ((a =? pc_a)%Z && (v =? pc_v)); simplify_eq
; rewrite prod_merge_insert; by simplify_map_eq.
{ eapply mem_implies_allow_load_map with (pc_a := pc_a) (pca_v := pc_v) (lw := lw) (lw' := lw')
; eauto; last by simplify_map_eq.
destruct ((a =? pc_a)%Z && (v =? pc_v)) eqn:Heq
; simplify_eq
; by rewrite !prod_merge_insert prod_merge_empty_l !fmap_insert fmap_empty.
iNext. iIntros (regs' retv) "(#Hspec & Hmem & Hmap)".
iDestruct "Hspec" as %Hspec.

destruct Hspec as [ | * Hfail ].
{ (* Success *)
iApply "Hφ".
destruct H3 as [Hrr2 _]. simplify_map_eq.
iDestruct (memMap_resource_2gen_d_dq with "[Hmem]") as "[Hpc_a Ha]"; cbn in *.
{ iExists lmem,dfracs; iSplitL; eauto.
iPureIntro. Unshelve. 3: exact (a0, v0). 2: exact (pc_a, pc_v).
split ; eauto.
assert (lmem !! (a0, v0) = Some loadv) as Hload.
{ destruct (decide ((a0 = pc_a) /\ (v0 = pc_v))) as [ [Heq_a Heq_v] |Heq]; subst.
- assert (((pc_a =? pc_a)%f && (pc_v =? pc_v)) = true) as Heq.
rewrite andb_true_iff ; split; [solve_addr | by rewrite Nat.eqb_refl].
rewrite Heq in Hmem, Hfracs ; simplify_map_eq.
rewrite prod_merge_insert prod_merge_empty_l in H4.
by simplify_map_eq.
- rewrite not_and_r in Heq.
assert (((a0 =? pc_a)%f && (v0 =? pc_v)) = false) as Hneq.
rewrite andb_false_iff.
destruct Heq as [Hneq | Hneq]; [left;solve_addr|right;by rewrite Nat.eqb_neq].
assert ((pc_a,pc_v) ≠ (a0,v0)).
{ intro ; simplify_eq. destruct Heq ; congruence. }
rewrite Hneq in Hmem, Hfracs ; simplify_map_eq.
rewrite !prod_merge_insert prod_merge_empty_l in H4.
by simplify_map_eq.
pose proof (mem_implies_loadv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hmem Hload) as Hloadv; eauto.
rewrite (insert_commute _ PC r1) // insert_insert (insert_commute _ r1 PC) // insert_insert.
iDestruct (regs_of_map_2 with "[$Hmap]") as "[HPC Hr1]"; eauto. iFrame.
{ (* Failure (contradiction) *)
destruct Hfail; try incrementLPC_inv; simplify_map_eq; eauto.
destruct o. all: congruence. }

Lemma wp_load_success_same_notinstr Ep r1 pc_p pc_b pc_e pc_a pc_v lw lw' lw'' p b e a v pc_a' dq dq' :
decodeInstrWL lw = Load r1 r1 →
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -532,7 +584,7 @@ Section cap_lang_rules.
iApply "Hφ". iFrame. Unshelve. all: eauto.

(* (* If a points to a capability, the load into PC success if its address can be incr *) *)
(* If a points to a capability, the load into PC success if its address can be incr *)
Lemma wp_load_success_PC Ep r2 pc_p pc_b pc_e pc_a pc_v lw
p b e a v p' b' e' a' v' a'' :
decodeInstrWL lw = Load PC r2 →
Expand All @@ -550,32 +602,32 @@ Section cap_lang_rules.
∗ (pc_a, pc_v) ↦ₐ lw
∗ r2 ↦ᵣ LCap p b e a v
∗ (a, v) ↦ₐ LCap p' b' e' a' v' }}}.
Proof. Admitted.
(* iIntros (Hinstr Hvpc [Hra Hwb] Hpca' φ) *)
(* "(>HPC & >Hi & >Hr2 & >Hr2a) Hφ". *)
(* iDestruct (map_of_regs_2 with "HPC Hr2") as "[Hmap %]". *)
(* iDestruct (memMap_resource_2ne_apply with "Hi Hr2a") as "[Hmem %]"; auto. *)
(* iApply (wp_load with "[$Hmap $Hmem]"); eauto; simplify_map_eq; eauto. *)
(* { by rewrite !dom_insert; set_solver+. } *)
(* { eapply mem_neq_implies_allow_load_map *)
(* with (pc_a := pc_a) (pca_v := pc_v) (a := a) (v := v) ; eauto. *)
(* destruct (decide (a = pc_a)) ; simplify_eq ; eauto. *)
(* by simplify_map_eq. } *)
(* iNext. iIntros (regs' retv) "(#Hspec & Hmem & Hmap)". *)
(* iDestruct "Hspec" as %Hspec. *)

(* destruct Hspec as [ | * Hfail ]. *)
(* { (* Success *) *)
(* iApply "Hφ". *)
(* destruct H4 as [Hrr2 _]. simplify_map_eq. *)
(* iDestruct (memMap_resource_2ne with "Hmem") as "[Hpc_a Ha]";auto. *)
(* incrementLPC_inv; simplify_map_eq. *)
(* rewrite insert_insert insert_insert. *)
(* iDestruct (regs_of_map_2 with "[$Hmap]") as "[HPC Hr2]"; eauto. iFrame. } *)
(* { (* Failure (contradiction) *) *)
(* destruct Hfail; try incrementLPC_inv; simplify_map_eq; eauto. *)
(* destruct o. all: congruence. } *)
(* Qed. *)
iIntros (Hinstr Hvpc [Hra Hwb] Hpca' φ)
"(>HPC & >Hi & >Hr2 & >Hr2a) Hφ".
iDestruct (map_of_regs_2 with "HPC Hr2") as "[Hmap %]".
iDestruct (memMap_resource_2ne_apply with "Hi Hr2a") as "[Hmem %]"; auto.
iApply (wp_load with "[$Hmap $Hmem]"); eauto; simplify_map_eq; eauto.
{ by rewrite !dom_insert; set_solver+. }
{ eapply mem_neq_implies_allow_load_map
with (pc_a := pc_a) (pca_v := pc_v) (a := a) (v := v) ; eauto.
destruct (decide (a = pc_a)) ; simplify_eq ; eauto.
by simplify_map_eq. }
iNext. iIntros (regs' retv) "(#Hspec & Hmem & Hmap)".
iDestruct "Hspec" as %Hspec.

destruct Hspec as [ | * Hfail ].
{ (* Success *)
iApply "Hφ".
destruct H4 as [Hrr2 _]. simplify_map_eq.
iDestruct (memMap_resource_2ne with "Hmem") as "[Hpc_a Ha]";auto.
incrementLPC_inv; simplify_map_eq.
rewrite insert_insert insert_insert.
iDestruct (regs_of_map_2 with "[$Hmap]") as "[HPC Hr2]"; eauto. iFrame. }
{ (* Failure (contradiction) *)
destruct Hfail; try incrementLPC_inv; simplify_map_eq; eauto.
destruct o. all: congruence. }

Lemma isCorrectLPC_ra_wb pc_p pc_b pc_e pc_a pc_v :
isCorrectLPC (LCap pc_p pc_b pc_e pc_a pc_v) →
Expand All @@ -599,33 +651,33 @@ Section cap_lang_rules.
PC ↦ᵣ LCap pc_p pc_b pc_e pc_a' pc_v
∗ (pc_a, pc_v) ↦ₐ{dq} lw
∗ r1 ↦ᵣ lw }}}.
Proof. Admitted.
(* iIntros (Hinstr Hvpc Hpca' φ) *)
(* "(>HPC & >Hi & >Hr1) Hφ". *)
(* iDestruct (map_of_regs_2 with "HPC Hr1") as "[Hmap %]". *)
(* rewrite memMap_resource_1_dq. *)
(* iApply (wp_load with "[$Hmap $Hi]"); eauto; simplify_map_eq; eauto. *)
(* { by rewrite !dom_insert; set_solver+. } *)
(* { eapply mem_eq_implies_allow_load_map with (a := pc_a); eauto. *)
(* by simplify_map_eq. } *)
(* iNext. iIntros (regs' retv) "(#Hspec & Hmem & Hmap)". *)
(* iDestruct "Hspec" as %Hspec. *)

(* destruct Hspec as [ | * Hfail ]. *)
(* { (* Success *) *)
(* iApply "Hφ". *)
(* destruct H3 as [Hrr2 _]. simplify_map_eq. *)
(* rewrite -memMap_resource_1_dq. *)
(* incrementLPC_inv. *)
(* simplify_map_eq. *)
(* rewrite insert_commute //= insert_insert insert_commute //= insert_insert. *)
(* iDestruct (regs_of_map_2 with "[$Hmap]") as "[HPC Hr1]"; eauto. iFrame. } *)
(* { (* Failure (contradiction) *) *)
(* destruct Hfail; try incrementLPC_inv; simplify_map_eq; eauto. *)
(* apply isCorrectLPC_ra_wb in Hvpc. apply andb_prop_elim in Hvpc as [Hra Hwb]. *)
(* destruct o; apply Is_true_false in H3. all: try congruence. done. *)
(* } *)
(* Qed. *)
iIntros (Hinstr Hvpc Hpca' φ)
"(>HPC & >Hi & >Hr1) Hφ".
iDestruct (map_of_regs_2 with "HPC Hr1") as "[Hmap %]".
rewrite memMap_resource_1_dq.
iApply (wp_load with "[$Hmap $Hi]"); eauto; simplify_map_eq; eauto.
{ by rewrite !dom_insert; set_solver+. }
{ eapply mem_eq_implies_allow_load_map with (a := pc_a); eauto.
by simplify_map_eq. }
iNext. iIntros (regs' retv) "(#Hspec & Hmem & Hmap)".
iDestruct "Hspec" as %Hspec.

destruct Hspec as [ | * Hfail ].
{ (* Success *)
iApply "Hφ".
destruct H3 as [Hrr2 _]. simplify_map_eq.
rewrite -memMap_resource_1_dq.
rewrite insert_commute //= insert_insert insert_commute //= insert_insert.
iDestruct (regs_of_map_2 with "[$Hmap]") as "[HPC Hr1]"; eauto. iFrame. }
{ (* Failure (contradiction) *)
destruct Hfail; try incrementLPC_inv; simplify_map_eq; eauto.
apply isCorrectLPC_ra_wb in Hvpc. apply andb_prop_elim in Hvpc as [Hra Hwb].
destruct o; apply Is_true_false in H3. all: try congruence. done.

Lemma wp_load_success_alt r1 r2 pc_p pc_b pc_e pc_a pc_v lw lw' lw'' p
b e a v pc_a' :
Expand Down

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