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Create new trainrun

With the help of the left mouse button and keyboard you can create or modify any trainrun.

  • If no trainrun is selected - you can create a new trainrun just by graphical drawing.
  • If a trainrun is selected you can modify a trainrun, including extending the trainrun journey path (route), reroute the path, delete a trainrun or just a trainrun section. Further you can change the times such as departure time, arrival time, journey time or you can further modify the trainrun category and name.

When a new trainrun gets created the system opens a dialog window where you can enter all information about the new created trainrun, such a trainrun category and name. Then click outside the window or press 'ESC' to close the dialog window.

  • If you like to (re)open the dialog windows just click on the trainrun name in the editor or click any number (time). The dialog window is displayed again with the clicked data input field in focus.
  • If you click on the trainrun - its gets selected and you can modify it.
  • Click for a second time the Perlenkette gets opened.

For mor details have a look into create and modifiy trainrun.

Create new trainrun section - step by step

To create a new train or adding new trainrun section to an existing trainrun, proceed as follows:

  • Move with the mouse pointer to the (inner) node: Press the left mouse button on the inner node from which you want to start the trainrun section.
  • Hold pressed the left mouse button and drag the line to the other node. The line displays visually the trainrun section you want to create.
  • Configure the train route: Give the new train an appropriate name and specify the necessary details, such as train number or other relevant information.

Note: Importantly, you don't have to select a train route to create a new trainrun - otherwise, you modify the selected trainrun

Travel time estimator (Default)

The application has a travel time pre-setting or heuristic implemented which allows for an automated determination of travel times when drawing a new section. Currently, following different heuristics are available:

  • The default method (heuristic) assumes a constant travel time per section, with a default setting of 1 minute per section. This means that regardless of the distance or other factors, each section has a fixed travel time of 1 minute. This heuristic can be helpful as it generates obviously unusable travel times, prompting the user to address the travel time. The 1 minute is very clear that this time has to manually adapted.

  • A more complex method (heuristic) can be set to derive the travel time from existing ones. The travel time heuristic searches for other trains of the same category on the section. If there are other trains, the longest travel time is adopted for the newly inserted section. If not, the heuristic searches for other trains, regardless of their category. If other trains are found, the maximum travel time is used; otherwise, the default is set to 1 minute.

The heuristic can be adjusted under Settings - Editor - Travel Time Pre-setting (heuristic). The setting is user-specific and is stored in the user's profile (browser).

Rerouting trainrun sections

To reroute a train, follow these steps:

  • Select the train to be rerouted: Use the left mouse button and click to select the train that you want to reroute.
  • Drag and drop sections on the node: After selecting the train, you can rearrange sections of the train by dragging and dropping the small pins (circle) on the nodes. This allows you to reassign sections to other nodes.
  • Redirect train sections: If you want to redirect (reroute) two sections, you can easily do so by clicking and holding the left mouse button on the hexagon button on the node. Then, drag and drop the hexagon button, and both train sections will move together. Drag the sections to a different node to reroute them.

    If you drag the hexagon button outside the node it generates an intermediate stop if there was a stopping transition or it just removed the non-stop transition. For both cases it reroutes the trainrun by removing the node alginment where the hexagon/transition was.


Delete a trainrun section

To delete a trainrun section, process as follows:

  • Click the trainrun to modify (select the trainrun)
  • Move with the mouse pointer to one of the two pins (cricle) where the trainrun section is aligned to the node
  • Press left mouse button and drag the pin (trainrun section). Instead of reassign to another or same node, just release it outside the node

Toggle stop / non-stop at node (trainrun transition)

To switch a train from a stop to a non-stop at a node, follow these steps:

  • Select the train: Ensure that the train you want to modify is selected. You can do this by left-clicking on the train.
  • Access trainrun transitions: Locate the hexagon button within the node representation. This button signifies trainrun transitions (stop/non-stop).

Split / Combine two trainruns

Split two trainruns

To split a train into two separate ones, you first have to select the train. Then you navigate to the node where you like to split the trainrun. Inside the node the trainrun has to have a transition. Press CTRL and click with the mouse the "stop / non-stop toggle button". The trainrun gets split into two trains.


Combine two trainruns

To combine two trainruns, you have to select one of the two trains. Then you have to navigate to the node where the trainrun ends (or starts). Now you can draw the new transition similar to creating a connection - but you have to press CTRL key and it must be hold pressed as long you are drawing a new transition. Once you finish drawing the new transition, the both trains will be combined to one single trainrun. Please have as well a look into Create Connections.
