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Kong Plugin Idempotency

A Kong plugin that enables idempotency to HTTP POST.


This plugin set a nx key on redis database for each x-idempotency-id came from the client, when the same x-idempotency-id came in other request throws error because the keys is already set on redis.


$ luarocks install kong-plugin-idempotency

Update the plugins config to add idempotency:

plugins = bundled,idempotency


$ curl -X POST http://kong:8001/apis/{api}/plugins \
    --data "name=idempotency" \
    --data "config.redis_host=my_redis_server" \
    --data "config.redis_port=6379" \
    --data "config.redis_cache_time=10000"
Parameter default description
config.redis_host [required] Host of redis server.
config.redis_port [required] Port of redis server.
config.redis_cache_time [required] Caches expiration time in seconds.
config.is_required false Define if idempotency is required, when is false it is possible to send request without x-idempotency-id.


David Washington - GitHub