This program simulates a Monoprice Select Mini V2 printer.
It is used to develop the Monoprice Select Mini Wi-Fi plugin for Cura without a real printer.
$ python -m src.FakePrinter
INFO:FakePrinter:Starting fake printer on http://localhost/
Then open http://localhost:80.
- Get printer status: http://localhost/inquiry
- Print cached model: http://localhost/set?cmd=%7BP:M%7D
- Cancel print: http://localhost/set?cmd=%7BP:X%7D
- Set hot-end target temperature: http://localhost/set?cmd=%7BC:T0250%7D
- Set bed target temperature: http://localhost/set?cmd=%7BC:P060%7D
- Send arbitrary gcode command: http://localhost/set?code=M563%20S5
- Upload a model. `POST http://localhost/upload
Try disabling World Wide Web Publishing Service to use port 80:
- Go to Start > All Programs > Administrative Tools > Services.
- In the services list, right-click on World Wide Web Publishing Service, and then click Stop.