Releases: lopezzot/ATLLArBarrel
Releases · lopezzot/ATLLArBarrel
v0.3 includes:
- several minor changes in runcards and
- github pages config files
- VecGeom usage doc (with script for vecgeom installation)
- Use G4Box instead of G4Trap is parameters allow (2798caf)
- Updated cryostat position and primary particle pos and dir for atlas configuration (36f6136 1c6bfb5)
- New sensitive detector with implementation
- New CI
- New hit class
- New ATLLArBarrelTBConstats namespace
- root output file from simulation (7392833)
- new TrackingAction with the implementation of the hadron inelastic scattering counter (ba58675 ecdfd47 b0da540)
- BirksLaw as in the ATHENA SW (8f18063 6e2ad57)
- Simple hit electronic noise (72e4442)
- GeneralParticleSource usage as optional with macro (b7f8f33)
- v0.3/ analysis and v0.3_1 result in table of results
v0.2 includes:
- GDML file creation and dedicated folder
- New build system with CMake option to build G4HepEm files under
and dedicated build options - Classes to register G4HepEm processes
- Docs for usage on mac/linux, lxplus and G4HepEm integration