Official repo of the Multi Taste Predictor developed in the framework of the EU-funded VIRTUOUS project
The VirtuousMultiTaste is also implemented into a webserver interface at
The repository is organized in the following folders:
- VirtuousMultiTaste/
Collecting python codes and sources files to run the umami prediction
- data/
Collecting the training and the test sets of the model along with their relative taste predcitions, the external DBs with their relative taste predictions, the food screening results on chocolate and coffee, and the folder with comparison with the state-of-the-art tools
- examples/
Including examples files to test the code
Create conda environment:
conda create -n myenv python=3.10 conda activate myenv
Install required packages:
conda install -c conda-forge rdkit chembl_structure_pipeline conda install -c mordred-descriptor mordred pip install knnimpute joblib Cython scikit-learn==1.1.1 xmltodict pyenchant
Clone the
repository from GitHubgit clone
The main code is
within the VirtuousMultiTaste folder.
To learn how to run, just type:
python --help
And this will print the help message of the program:
usage: [-h] [-c COMPOUND] [-f FILE] [-t TYPE] [-d DIRECTORY] [-v]
VirtuousMultiTaste: ML-based tool to predict the umami taste
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c COMPOUND, --compound COMPOUND
query compound (allowed file types are SMILES, FASTA, Inchi, PDB, Sequence, Smarts, pubchem name)
-f FILE, --file FILE text file containing the query molecules
-t TYPE, --type TYPE type of the input file (SMILES, FASTA, Inchi, PDB, Sequence, Smarts, pubchem name). If not specified, an automatic
recognition of the input format will be tried
name of the output directory
-v, --verbose Set verbose mode
To test the code you can submit an example txt file in the "samples" fodler (test.txt)
The code will create a log file and an output folder containing:
1. "best_descriptors.csv": a csv file collecting the 15 best molecular descriptors for each processed smiles on which the prediction relies
2. "descriptors.csv": a csv file collecting all the calculated molecular descriptors for each processed smiles
3. "result_labels.txt": a txt file containing the predicted taste classes for each processed molecule
4. "result_dominant_labels.txt": a txt file containing the predicted dominant taste classes for each processed molecule
5. "predictions.csv": a csv summarising the results of the prediction
The present work has been developed as part of the VIRTUOUS project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie-RISE Grant Agreement No 872181 (