A Mootools class that provides cross-domain communication between an <iframe> element and its parent window using the fragment id technique as same-origin-policy workaround.
First of all, include in your pages Mootools 1.2.5 or later and CrossDomainFragment.js source. You need these in the parent page and in the contained <iframe> page.
In the parent page, define the <iframe> element:
<iframe src="http://www.example.com/iframe.html" id="iframe_element"</iframe>
And instantiate the communication object:
var comm = new CrossDomainFragment({
recipient: $('iframe_element'),
onReceive: function(message) {
$('inbox').set('text', message);
// Then call send() method to send messages to the iframe window
comm.send('Hello iframe!');
Also the page contained in the <iframe> has to instantiate its own communication object. You can see that recipient option is not specified here, because it's window.parent by default.
var comm = new CrossDomainFragment({
onReceive: function(message) {
$('inbox').set('text', message);
// And send messages to the parent calling send() method
comm.send('Hello parent!');
Implements: Options, Events
var comm = new CrossDomainFragment(options);
- options: (object) Options for the class. They are all listed below.
- recipient: An <iframe> element or a window object (default window.parent).
- pollingInterval: Defines the interval in milleseconds between each hash fragment check (default: 250). It has to be shorter than the minimum expected inteval between two incoming messages.
- receive(message): A message has been received.
- send(message): A message has been sent.
- send(message): Sends a message.
- start(): Starts listening for incoming messages (called automatically).
- stop(): Stops listening for incoming messages.