My pet project. Just a demo web application to demonstrate code and technologies.
- User registration and authentication
- User settings form
- CRUD on user locations
- Query weather data on selected location
- Under the hood it loads weather data from Open-Meteo API and store it in the local database
Tech stack on backend:
- Python
- Django, FastAPI
- Celery, ARQ
- PostgreSQL, Redis, Kafka, ClickHouse
Tech stack on frontend:
- TypeScript/React
- Material UI
This project use my open source Python libraries:
- aiosafeconsumer
- django-kafka-streamer
Code quality:
- PEP8 (linted by black and ruff)
- Static typing (validated by mypy)
- Unit and integration tests (powered by pytest)
Architecture: micro services. Services:
: Core service. Stack: Django, PostgreSQL, Celery. Provides user and locations
database and REST API. Stream data to Kafka.
: Data loader service. Stack: ARQ, Redis, Kafka. Provides asynchronous periodic
tasks to load weather data from public API and stream it to Kafka.
: Weather data query service. Stack: FastAPI, Kafka, ClickHouse. Provides
weather database and REST API.
: User interface. Stack: TypeScript/React, Material UI.
Development plan:
- Implement authorization API in
service - Implement authorization in UI
- Implement user settings API in
service - Implement user settings form in UI
- Implement locations API (CRUD) in
service - Implement locations CRUD in UI
- Implement streaming data from
service to Kafka - Implement consumer to sync locations data in
service - Implement asynchronous tasks in
to get weather data from public API and stream it to Kafka - Implement consumer to sync weather data in
service - Implement weather API in
service - Implement weather explore page in UI
- Implement weather dashboard UI
- Implement weather aggregation API
- Implement weather aggregation UI
First install Docker Compose, then type:
docker compose build
docker compose run --rm core-migrate
docker compose run --rm query-migrate
docker compose up -d
docker compose run --rm core-stream
docker compose run --rm loader-stream
Available URLs:
http://localhost:3000 : Application user interface
http://localhost:3000/core/admin : Admin interface
http://localhost:3000/core/api/v1/docs : core API documentation
http://localhost:3000/query/api/v1/docs : query API documentation
Go to UI http://localhost:3000 and create new user (sign-up). Type email and password. No email confirmation is required. The first user created will have superuser privileges and can login to the admin area. Then login (sign-in) and use left side menu to navigate over site.
Run linters:
make lint
Run tests:
docker compose run --rm core-test
docker compose run --rm loader-test
docker compose run --rm query-test
Load more historical data:
docker compose run --rm loader-stream python -m stream-weather 2022-01-01