#Prime Factors Kata A javascript kata, with Jasmine tests.
For each number n, we want to have a list of all the prime number that are it's factors.
Example: for 12 we should have (2,2,3)
Just open the test file (tests.js) in a browser, and refresh to get the latest changes.
You start with PrimeFactors.js file that has a method generate that returns null.
function generate(num){
return null;
And a test class tests.js with one failing test, for 1
it("should generate empty array for 1", function () {
Start by implementing the generate method in a way that will make the test pass.
Notice: you do not need to thinks about the general solution. Just make the test green.
###Next add tests for 2,3,4,6,8,9 one by one:
- add a test
- if the test fails fix the code
- verify the test passes